Statement on the Accusation of the EU and Trioka on the Participation of the Armed Groups Using Violence Against Peaceful Protesters and Civilians.

. JEM Cagetagorically Denies Participation of its Forces in Crackdown on Protesters

The European Union and Trioka issued a statement on the situation in Sudan on the 3rd of Jan 2022 stating that”We expect the security services and other armed groups to refrain from using further violence against peaceful protesters and civilians across the country , especially in Darfur. The killing of scores of Sudanese, sexual violence and the injuries of hundreds more by the security services and other armed groups since the October 25 military takeover is unacceptable”.
The above quotation is impliedly accusing the armed movements of participation in crackdown of protesters and use of force against civilians. Therefore, based on above accusation we would like to confirm the following:-

1/ JEM regrets for issuance of such baseless accusations.
2JEM categorically deny participation of its forces in any activity or operation against the peaceful demonstrations in any part of the country.
3/ JEM reiterates its stated position on the constitutional right of the Sudanese people in peaceful protest and freedom of expression.
4/ JEM clearly explained in its previous statements, its stand in the use of force against the peaceful protestors.
5/ JEM appreciates the role and efforts of EU and Trioka in bringing about political stability and security in Sudan, and urges them to thoroughly enquire any such disinformations before charging
Hassan Ibrahim Fadol
Deputy Spokesperson.

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