Radical group attacks premises of Sudanese Communist Party

August 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — A religious extremist group, carrying white weapons attacked on Friday the premises of the Sudanese Communist Party in the suburb of Al-Jeraif West in the east of the capital, Khartoum.
The veiled group of assailants attacked the SCP premises following the end of inauguration ceremony held by the party, communist sources told the Sudan Tribune.
“Our members captured the attackers and handed them over to the police.”
The attack took place after a mosque preacher launched a fierce attack on the new premises the party, describing it as a den of atheism, vice and fornication. He further called on those attending the Friday prayers not to allow the party’s premises to be operative.
The preacher said that the SCP is opposed to the implementation of sharia law in the country. He also said “as the Mujahedeen defeated communism in Afghanistan they can do the same in the Sudan.”

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