AU on ICC Warrant and Mbeki’s Panel on Darfur

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]
AU on ICC Warrant and Mbeki’s Panel on Darfur
A statement from JEM
JEM condemns in the strongest possible terms the AU-Sirte decision not to cooperate with the ICC Arrest Warrant against Al-Bashir:
1.    JEM commends the solitary stance of Botswana for justice, rule of law and accountability in the AU Summit in Libya.  JEM urges other African leaders to follow suit and work for democracy, respect of human rights and progress in the African Continent.
2.    The AU declaration constitutes a despicable sabotage of the original mandate of the African Union and a restoration of the institution as a shameful club for dictators and a dark cave for orchestration of war crimes, corruption and frustration of the struggle for democracy in Africa.
3.    The AU Panel of Darfur (AUPD), led by Mbeki, insultingly referred to as “Committee of Wise African Men for Darfur” is no more than another arm for protection of criminal African leaders against Justice.  Throughout the work of the panel, Mr Mbeki has unashamedly worked tirelessly to defend Al-Bashir against the impending ICC prosecution and betrayed the historic legacy of his predecessor Nelson Mandela, the Champion of African liberation, democracy and justice.
4.    JEM takes this historic juncture in the struggle of the Sudanese people to sever all forms of cooperation with Mr Mbeki’s AUPD.  This action is perfectly in line with Darfur NGOs and IDPs who have refused to entrust their fate to a Committee that is formed in the first place to defend mass killers, human-rights abusers and wanted criminals.
5.    JEM urges Mbeki’s colleagues who have joined the Panel in good will to abandon this insidious organ and resume their work for the marginalised and voiceless Africans in other venues.

Ahmed Husain Adam
Spokesperson for JEM
London, 07/07/2009

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