The Vienna Austria three-day meeting to support Sudan economically, due to open today in the Austrian capital as was announced by the Sudan Foreign Ministry, is regrettable in view of the gross human rights violations, genocide, war crimes, indicted officials of the Sudan government including the President, denying access of humanitarian assistance for more than 16 months to the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile and the sanctions by the different international bodies against Khartoum. It is shocking in view of all that for Khartoum to announce that the European Union Representative and some United Nations organizations are going to participate together with the Sudan Foreign Minister and the Austrian Foreign Minister in such a conference to assist a genocidal regime that is violating all democratic standards and for this to take place in none other than Vienna, one of the great capitals of Europe. We call upon the Austrians, in particular, and the European activists who believe in the cause of democracy and the respect of human rights to denounce this conference. Supporting the Sudan regime is a direct support for the efforts of the regime to undermine human rights, and indeed, it is an encouragement to commit more war crimes and genocide. This has nothing to do with European democratic values. Yasir ArmanSecretary General, SPLM-NSecretary for External Affairs, Sudan Revolutionary FrontOctober 10, 2012
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