The Sudanese regime is on the verge of collapse

Jaafar Mirmar –  UK
The Sudanese regime is on the verge of collapse, this is the reason that the Government is trying to re-open the camps of the Popular Defence Force (PDF) to re-start war against South Sudan.

The Sudanese Government is the regime which known for waging wars in whole over the country. Since Al-bashir came to power, his regime has caused Sudan so much suffering and tribal problems, plus has caused ethnic and religious wars. Due to this, all of the marginalized parts of the country has turned into the rebellion against the central government, and the Sudanese government is not able to resolve the problems. They are always accusing neighbouring countries of helping the rebels.
Chad has been repeatedly accused of harbouring rebels. Although the rebels against the Sudanese government in Darfur consist only of all the tribes of the Sudan. But Khartoum believes that there is tribal link between the rebels of Darfur and government of Chad. Indeed there are neighbour relations between Darfur and Chad, but there is not any cooperation between the rebels of the Darfur region and Chad. However after nine years of the conflict in Darfur the Sudanese Revolutionary Front has called for change of the Sudanese regime and it consists of four main rebels group. The Khartoum regime has become worried because the government fears revenge from the marginalized people in Sudan, due to the martyrdom of the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement Dr. Khalel Ibrahim Mohammed who was assassinated in the kordofan region by the devil air strike when he was heading towards khartoum to topple the injustice regime. But even with the martyrdom of Dr. Khalil, the goal of the struggle will not be forgotten in the history Sudanese people. The Government has let Darfur suffer from genocide and crimes against humanity.  Khartoum is trying to reuse the PDF. Al-bashir has ordered the setting up of camps across the country for the Popular Defence Forces to crush the rebels in the country because of the reputation of the Sudanese army troops for being ineffective and weakness.
The Popular Defence Force (PDF), formed in 1989 as a dedicated Islamist militia, was the main instrument for mobilization in Sudan, PDF has sent hundred of thousands of armed militia to fight against southern rebels in the last two decades. The PDF has also been used against civilians, whilst the government is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Darfur. The PDF has played a major role in the distribution of weapons to the people for military training and for tribal militias. Since the rebellion was declared in Darfur in 2003, the PDF was the first paramilitary force to be mobilized to recruit people for PDF forces, through the tribal leaders to called people to join PDF, and started taking orders  from the Government as part of the State military apparatus.
However, recently fighting has occurred on multiple places in the country and the government army has been defeated by the Sudanese Revolutionary Front in several places, therefore Sudan is accusing Southern Sudan that is has been supporting rebels against Khartoum. Sudan has submitted a complaint against South Sudan to the UN Security Council (UNSC) saying that Sudan has been assaulted by Southern Sudan. Fortunately Southern Sudan did not help the rebels and did not attempt to offer any help to the rebels of Darfur against Sudanese government in any way at all and there is no relationship with the two. And the South Sudan is a new country and it needs help to build their own country. one of the desolation situation in the country that government been lost the control and wisdom, while Country deeply suffering from crisis of the political and economic situation, Khartoum try to re-generate other war with the South Sudan that Government continues on the unwise comments and not focused toward peace that Al-Bashir has been threatened to cut off any hand extended to Sudan in bad, and the government would respond fight back all the conspirators of the country. And threatened to the South Sudan defeat “if the recoil ruling in which the covenant that achieved by the secession by the current regime, and Sudan for the first time revealed that Sudan had been made 18 thousand martyrs in the war between North and South and hope of the Government that Khartoum ready to provide the same number if it continues conspiracies, then UN Security Council called for the cessation of hostilities between the Sudan and South Sudan, But Bashir has said in the interview with Al Jazeera TV within the private program meeting that Sudan ready for war if imposed, at the sametime Government unable to comply with the Convention for the stop of the hostilities which has singed in the Addis Ababa capital of the Ethiopian with South Sudan Government, it mean Sudan has lost control and wisdom and the credibility of neighbour relation. And China did not want to move with the world countries to look the problems of Sudan to resolve and only sees the interest of their investment from the Sudanese oil.

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