The NCP Air Force bombards and kills Civilians in the Nuba Mountains

The NCP Air Force bombards and kills Civilians in the Nuba Mountains

While the committee established by the SPLMN leadership to manage the logistics and facilitate the release of the 29 Chinese workers was engaged in contacts with the Chinese Government and other parties to facilitate the evacuation of the Chinese workers from South Kordofan / Nuba Mountains and ensure their return to their home country, the NCP Government intensified its Antonov aerial bombardments deliberately to obstruct and delay the evacuation process.

  1. On February 1st, 2012, the Antonov dropped eight bombs on Haiban School of Theology, crating a state of panic among the people.
  2. On February 2nd, 2012, twelve bombs were dropped at the Buram town, causing the death of one civilian and the injury of two other.
  3. On February 2nd, 2012, eight bombs were dropped on Kau Nyaro area causing the death of Mamour Khiralla, 85 years old civilian and the burning of one house.

The SPLMN reiterate its warning to the NCP regime of the grave consequences of its continued indiscriminate aerial bombardments and the mobilization of its forces and militias deliberately to obstruct, undermine and delay the evacuation process of the Chinese workers and their return to their home land.

Arnu N. Loddi

Spokesperson of the SPLMN


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