Sudan People Liberation Movement / N

Sudan People Liberation Movement / N
(Italy Office)

Statement upon the suspension (undeclared failure) of the Talks in Addis Ababa between the Government of Sudan GoS “NCP” and the Sudan’s People Liberation Movement / N “SPLM N” under the Mediation of the African Union High level Implementation Panel (AU HIP).

To all Peace, Democracy and Human Dignity lover, worldwide.

As most, if not all of you, have been following the dire and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan, in the war affected areas which is circulating and embracing the central Khartoum in Sudan. The Sudan Peoples’ Liberation movement has been struggling for bettering and protecting the life and defending the oppressed population from the almost daily aerial bombardments and ground offence and all sorts of discriminations. Mindful of the gravity of the situation, the SPLM N and some exponents of its Allied liberation forces, went to Addis Ababa for the Nth Time, seeking and hoping to find peaceful and holistic resolution to the dilemma of Sudan and figuring out possible modality of a comprehensive and sustainable governance and government system which can suits all in Sudan, without bias and exclusion.

Well acquainted, fully aware, being up to the level of its responsibility towards the Sudanese Citizens, The SPLM N went to the talks table honoring the invitation of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AU HIP). The Negotiations commenced the 13th of February between the invited SPLM N and the Government of Sudan represented prevalently of not exclusively by the governing party “National” Congress Party (NCP) under the mediation of the AUHIP. Simultaneously and timely coordinated aerial bombardments, parachute and barrel bombs were dropped over innocent civil population in South Kordofan, Blue Nile as well as around the refugees camps inside the Republic of South Sudan (proximity of Maban Refugees Camp) and pacific refugees demonstrators were killed in Darfur. The SPLM N negotiating team kept its nerves solid and patiently tried to continue the negotiation to reach a comprehensive humanitarian cessation of hostilities in order to allow the admission of humanitarian rescue to the affected populations in all parts of Sudan and abroad, and at the same time affirming its position to find holistic solution to the problems of all Sudan without exclusion of any party or stakeholder. While the NCP continued its usual political dribbling and tampering, in arrogant ways belittling the counterparties, present and observers. This round of negotiation is a confirmation of the falsity of Khartoum Tyrannical Regime, and has brought Khartoum NCP Regime naked specially in concern of the recently declared slogans “specially that stated by the Head of the NCP in a leaping discourse in Khartoum Friendship Place” calling for peace, fight against poverty, “lab…lab….lab”…., Sudanese Identity and equal citizenship rights. The NCP arrogant and intended policies of scorched earth, and masive displacement has deprived the old Sudan from the inspired and attractive Unity leading to the split off and independence of Southern part of Sudan. The current South Sudan and buffer regions struggling for liberation might undergo similar tracks, should this oppressive war continue.

In conclusion, we as SPLM N in Italy continue to repeat our appeals for the nth time to:

– Work in all the possible ways and with all available means to find holistic resolution to the challenges facing the Sudanese in Sudan, in the domestic and neighborhood refugees camps, in terms of Peace, Security, and Sustainable Development to avoid further fragmentation in the failing state of Sudan. Any partial or retail solution will lead the parties to the departure square.
– Allow unconditioned and secured humanitarian relief access under regime of internationally monitored mechanism, through land and/or ground access under Internationally specialized UN organization and CSOs ensuring human dignity.
– Stop all sorts of aggressions, aerial bombardments and ground offenses.
– Work on bringing the perpetrators to justice and held all perpetrators accountable for the crimes committed or architectured and engineered under the war machine.
– Work on the liberation of all the political and opinion detainees, and compensate all those who has been subjected to unjust trails.
– Work for short-medium and long term plan to establish constitutional paths leading to true national consensus based on democratic and shared vision on how to govern, rather than who will govern and for how long. Through coordinated and inclusive National Constitutional Conferences.
– Assure compensative and accelerated tracks of development for all the regions and territories which were and still set aside by all the bloody and centrist regimes.
– Ensure respect of basic Right to Food, Education and Medical Services to all, equally everywhere in Sudan
– work to ensure respect of Human Rights, freedom of expression, respect of diversity and rule of law.
Long Live SPLM / A – SRF
Glory for all the fallen martyrs,
Healing for the injured innocents
Relief for the suffering population.
The struggle continue and victory is certain.

Mohamed Yassin

SPLM N – Italy

18th February 2014

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