Sudan Air force bombed Saraf-jamus and Tangel villages

Office of the Official Spokesperson
Sudan Air force bombed Saraf-jamus and Tangel villages

Khartoum regime continues its repeated attacks on civilians in the areas controlled by the SPLM/A-N in South Kordofan / Nuba Mountains state, the intensive Arial bombardments have inflicted heavy losses among local populations and their properties, some villages in Umdorain, Boram and kadugli counties were bombed on 24-25/11/2012 injured three children and killed a number of livestock as well fires that devastated sorghum farms and gardens.
On 24/11/012 at 10:30 am an Antonov plane dropped 4 bombs into Tangel village injured 1 / Child – Tutu Yusuf Almakteb -3 yrs old 2 / Child – Kuku Kory meter -3 yrs old 3 /  – Kochi Moses Israiel -17 yrs old, leg fracture and killed 5 sheep of the citizen / Moses Phillips and at the same time 2 bomb was dropped into Umdorain killed 3 goats and one cow and  at 6:30 pm  4 bombs was dropped into Saraf-jamus village  led to the outbreak of fires destroyed the farms and gardens, 8 bombs dropped into Shatt-Safie villages burn farms and bush, 2 bombs dropped in Limma village in west kadugli at 12;30 pm intended to destroy the market.
On 11/25/12 antonov plane dropped 17 bombs into Albati village intended to destroy Umdorain county offices building and 2 other bombs dropped into residential area of Korera village.
Arnu Ngutulu Lodi
SPLM/A-N official spokesman

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