EL FASHER (31 July) – The leaders of the Internally Displaced People groups (IDPs) in Darfur have refused to cooperate in ‘voluntarily return programmes’ initiated by the government. After their refusal, local security officers came to El Gereida camp (South Darfur) and have arrested three IDP-leaders during the last three days. The leaders were approached by a local committee formed by the government authorities. They explained to the committee that they are not willing to return to their villages unless full security has been restored and the issues of compensation for lost properties and disarmament of militias have been resolved. The names of the detained leaders are Ali Abdel Nagi, Abdallah Mohammed Ibrahim and Mohammed Gamar al Din, all three from Al Gereida camp. The IDP leaders in El Geneina (Rhyad-camp) also told Radio Dabanga that they were approached by a similar type of government committee to return their people, but they refused to discuss since they discovered that their villages and land is already occupied by new settlers. The Abu Shok displaced community near El Fasher also refused to participate in any operation to return their people to the home areas. Sudan has signed international conventions that prohibit any forced return for displaced people and refugees.
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