Kiir and Machar agree to ceasefire


Kiir and Machar agree to ceasefire

(Radio Dabanga) South Sudan’s government headed by Salva Kiir and opposition forces led by Riek Machar have accepted a ceasefire agreement after negotiations in Addis Ababa, top sources in both Juba and the Ethiopian capital told Radio Tamazuj. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) mediation team handed over a final draft agreement on a cessation of hostilities to the two warring parties on Friday evening and expected them to respond on Saturday either yes or no, without allowing the opportunity for further negotiation or comment. Yohannes Musa, assistant spokesman of the delegation of the opposition in Addis Ababa, explained that the document includes four points.

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Foreign accounts closed of several Sudanese banks

(Sudan Tribune) A number of Sudanese banks were notified by their peers in China, Europe, Asia and Middle East that their accounts will be closed which would lead to a cessation of incoming and outgoing wire transfers to and from Sudan, sources said. These same sources mentioned that three Sudanese banks received official letters informing them that financial transactions and trade with them have been suspended. A group of Sudanese importers and exporters spoke of tremendous difficulties they face in obtaining letters of credit from foreign banks . The director of the Inspection Department of the Central Bank of Sudan Asmaa Abdul-Rahman Khairi on Saturday acknowledged that Sudanese banks had their accounts closed abroad. An analyst warned that this could deprive these banks of international funding sources calling it a testimony to the lack of confidence in Sudan’s banking system.

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Sudan, Eritrea announce political support for Juba

(Sudan Tribune) The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and his Eritrean counterpart Isaias Afewerki announced their political support for the existing government of South Sudan. Bashir returned to Khartoum on Saturday following a three-day official visit to Eritrea at the invitation of Afewerki. Sudan’s foreign minister Ali Karti, told reporters on Saturday that the two presidents discussed the ongoing conflict in South Sudan given that Eritrea at one point hosted the ex-rebel movement which later took responsibility for the newborn state. He stressed that discussions on South Sudan’s crisis were serious and sincere, pointing out that they aimed at helping the rivals reach common grounds. Karti further said that stability in South Sudan entails stability in trade, security and economic situation with Sudan.

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NCP splinter faction accuses Sudanese security of torturing one of its members

(Sudan Tribune) The Sudanese Reform Now Party (RNP) led by former presidential advisor, Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani, which has recently split from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) accused security forces of arresting and torturing one of its members. The individual in question is Emad Ahmed who is the head of the RNP youth sector in the East Nile area in Khartoum, according to a statement issued by the party. The party vowed to protect the rights of its members by any means necessary and to continue holding public meetings.

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