Khartoum Loses First Battle of its New Strategy

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]

Khartoum Loses First Battle of its New Strategy
A Military Statement
April 9th 11:  Yesterday, April 8th, a formidable Khartoum force attacked a meeting of the Alliance of Resistance Forces few miles outside Muzbat, Kutum Locality in North Darfur.  The attacking force consisted of numerous armoured vehicles and backed by intense air cover.  The battle that ensued afterwards did not last long.  The invading army was summarily defeated and went into total disarray leaving their infantry soldiers behind with over 100 of them killed.  Our forces captured 22 vehicles and destroyed 13 others and   suffered three fatalities and some injuries.  Remnants of the Khartoum force fled to Muzbat and neighbouring hills and are still besieged by our forces amid intense aerial bombardment of innocent citizens in the villages in the vicinity.

It is to be noted that the Muzat battle signals the first of Khartoum’s New Strategy for Darfur, also referred to as Internal Solution of Darfur Problem.  The New Strategy for Darfur prescribes a military solution for the crisis and is a brain child of the Albashir’s dreamy Envoy for Darfur, Dr. Salah El Din Alatabani.  In his last visit Doha, March 31st, Albashir announced that the New Strategy for Darfur is “based on annihilation of Darfur rebel movements and evacuation of Darfur IDP camps”.  Khartoum’s defeated force in Muzbat is one of many other mobile forces currently approaching our bases and promising many bloody days to come.

The Alliance of the Resistance Forces which scored Muzbat victory consists of JEM, LJM, Collective Leadership and SLM-Minnawi and others.

Long live our struggle for Justice and Freedom

General Ali Alwafi
Military Spokesperson For JEM
For: Alliance of Resistance Forces

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