Khalil Ibrahim briefs Libyans officials about JEM plan for peace in Darfur

August 15, 2009 (PARIS) — The leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) briefed today the Libyan officials on the political framework of his group to reach a negotiated settlement of the conflict in the western Sudan region of Darfur.
In a bid to save the deadlocked Doha peace talks, Libya, the current head of the African Union, witnessed a series of meetings with rebel groups, Sudanese officials and regional actors.
JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim met on Saturday with the head of Libyan intelligence Abdullah Al-Sanoosi to expose the framework proposed by his movement for Doha peace negotiations to end Darfur conflict.
“Dr. Khalil tackled issues pertaining to the wealth and power sharing, security arrangements but also the humanitarian aspects of the conflict,” said JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam by telephone from Tripoli.
After two months of talks on the implementation of a goodwill agreement signed with the government, last June JEM refused to resume the Doha process before the release of more than one hundred fighters imprisoned in Khartoum and the amelioration of humanitarian situation in Darfur camps.
“The main purpose of this meeting is to inform the Libyan leadership about our position in order to empower them to mediate and to support the Doha process as they are willing to.”
Ahmed further stressed that Libya intends only to facilitate and to support the Doha peace process and not to replace it. He also added that the joint mediator Djibril Bassole attended the meeting with Al-Sanoosi.
Last week, the Libyan official met with Dr. Ghazi Salah Al-Deen who is in charge with Darfur dossier to discuss the involvement of a number of rebel factions in the peace process.
These factions have agreed to engage peace talks with the government with one delegation and one common agenda. The members of Tripoli Group had some divergences following a meeting organized by the Egyptian authorities but Tripoli settled the issue.
Yesterday, Khalil Ibrahim in an interview with the Qatari based Al-Jazeera TV called on the factions of Tripoli Group to unite their positions with JEM before the peace talks.
“I call on them with an open mind to be united with us and enter negotiations as one resistance group against the Sudanese Government, which has usurped our people’s rights,” said Ibrahim on Friday.
Asked to comment the call of JEM leader, Ahmed said it was important for his movement to discuss with all the Sudanese forces including the other rebel factions on the solution of Darfur crisis.
He added that JEM is open to meet any body and it was logic to reach out the other rebel groups. He said “it is important for his movement to explain its positions on the peace process and to seek ways to have joint positions.”
JEM leader last month threatened to boycott the Doha peace process if the mediation involves them in the talks.

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