ICC to hear case of Sudanese chieftain charged with killing peacekeepers

THE HAGUE, Oct 9 (KUNA) — The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced Friday that it will begin hearing of confirmation of charges in the case against Bahr Idriss Abu Garda, a Sudanese chieftain charged with killing African peacekeepers, on October 19. The confirmation hearing, said the ICC in a statement, is held to ensure that no case goes to trial unless there is sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that the person committed the crime with which he has been charged. The suspect has the right to attend the hearing which is expected to last till 30 October or in his absence — be represented by counsel. Abu Garda is the leader of the United Resistance Front, a rebel group fighting against the Sudanese government in Darfur.
He has been charged by the ICC with war crimes relating to a 2007 attack in which 12 African Union peacekeepers were killed.
Abu Garda appeared voluntarily before the ICC in The Hague on May 18 to answer the charges which he denied.
He is the first person to be tried by the court in connection with the war in Darfur. (end) nk.rk KUNA 091928 Oct 09NNNN

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