Génocidaire Himiditi to Re-establish his Role as E.U. Lieutenant Gatekeeper to “Halt/ Reduce” the Flood of Migration from the HofA

Génocidaire Himiditi to Re-establish his Role as E.U. Lieutenant Gatekeeper to “Halt/ Reduce” the Flood of Migration from the HofA

In Feb. 2016, the EU pledged €1.8 billion to AU to tackle migration from the continent. A €100 million was directed to Sudan to implement policies and projects that would help limit the flow of migrants traveling from Sudan or through the country from the HofA (Horn of Africa, ref. 1) 1of7

The initiative failed to acknowledge the root cause of migration from Africa in general & specifically from Sudan. The latter has been waging war vs. its people over the last 29 years. As of December 2015, Sudan had approximately 3.2 million IDPs, the world record that year 2of7

At this critical time, thousands of Sudanese are scattered between IDP refugee camps and around the globe, and many more are seeking ways to escape the aforementioned destinies 3of7

‎In conclusion, the proposed funding ended up financing the Janjaweed militas which was entrusted by the former president and ICC indictee Omer al-Bashir (ref. 2) 4of7

Rapid Speed Forces (RSF) ended up implementing the “renewed” EU migration policies by guarding the routes and prisons/ detention centres built by some of the EU funding in Eastern Sudan – reports of human rights abuses and trafficking followed (ref. 3) 5of7

and all of the sudden, Génocidaire Himiditi, leader of RSF, was directly funded the EU (ref. 4), al-Bashir, and gold mining fields in Jabel Aamir in DARFUR, directly and indirectly. Good chunk of money financed further wars waged against the innocent population of Sudan in DARFUR & beyond, with the geopolitics of the region, accelerated rise of Himiditi, he is set to re-establish his gatekeeping role, only this time he does not have to deal with the E.U. through a medium. 6of7

EU policies and <Never Again> seem to be mutually exclusive. 7of7

EU parliament elections results are being finalised as we speak (ref. 5); the poll exit shows that the rightwing/ populist parties in France, Germany and Italy will have a good share of the seats, which in turns may lead to continuing putting tough migration policies and laws to halt/ reduce it from the source rather than to deal with it at the shores of Europe. For that, the E.U. needs its Lieutenants, its gatekeepers on the grounds, particularly in West and East Africa.

With regards to Sudan, general strike (political and else), civil disobedience, sits-in in designated areas, maintaining peacefulness of the rallies are acts that shall bring solution to the country, in addition to giving the upper hand in talks. The aforementioned remains the safeguard which may guarantee the transition of power to civilian transitional government. #SudanUprising⁩ and by the way, Tasgut Talit. ⁧

Osama Mahmoud

Head of Comms.

Press Office – Darfur Union in the UK

Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com

Email: [email protected]

Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk

Ref. 1:


Ref. 2:


Ref. 3:


Ref. 4:


Ref. 5:






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