Arrest of Radio Dabanga (Radip Darfur) collaborators in Khartoum

خبر اعتقال صحفيين من راديو دبنقا في السودان

Arrest of Radio Dabanga (Radip Darfur) collaborators in Khartoum

The Sudanese security services arrested on Saturday 30 Oct the lawyer Abdelrahman Mohamed Elgasim and member of Darfur Bar Association (DBA) and took him to unspecified location. Mr Elgasim who has been rquested by pressnow to provide legal help to radio Dabanga journalists working from within Sudan was picked up while on his way to the office of Almarsad(Observatory) organization. No charges brought against him and he wasn’t  allowed to see a lawyer. The arrest of Mr Elgasim was coincided with other 8 arrests on the same daydirected at journalists and collaborators of Radio Darfur while attending a training session in small studio set up by Radio Dabanga in Althoura residential area in Omburman (Khartoum). Radio Dabanga management has planned recently to relocate the project inside Sudan and assigned one of its empolyees to find a venue and recruite potential journalists for this particular purpose.  Among the arrested ones Abdelrahman  Adam Abdelrahman the appointed Radio Dabanga manager in Sudan.( In its coverage, radio dabanga reported that Mr Adam who is from EL Daein in south Darfur as “ Abdelrahman Adam Abdelrahman from Ed Daein and Dirar Adam Dirar, both active in the Human Rights and Advocacy Network for Democracy (HAND). HAND is a network of nine grassroots organizations in Darfur” (

But it doesn’t mention anything with regards to Mr Adam’s affiliation with Dabanga; he has visited pressnow’s office four times and had a training on radio journalism at the RNC from 12Oct. to 2 Dec. 2008. His last visit to Netherlands was in 15 Sept2010 and lasted for 3 weeks. Other names include Dirar adam Dirar, a radio Dabanga journalist based in Sudan, Manal Mahamed Ahmed- from Kotum north Darfur- and Asha Sardu Shareef-from El Fashir- (both female). Aziza Ali Idriss from Elgenena west Darfur, mother of four children was also arrested with the group. She travelled to Khartoum from Darfur two weeks ago to receive traning as a Massaliet language news reader. 


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