JEM-UMMA National Party Political Accord

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]
JEM-UMMA National Party Political Accord
JEM and the Umma National Party have agreed on the following in Cairo, July 1st 2009:
1.    The parties affirm their commitment to work for a united democratic and federal Sudan; a Sudan that is based on citizenship rights, respect  of public freedoms including religious, cultural and political affiliations.   The parties agree on commitment to upholding national institutions and rule of law.
2.    Peace remains a prime strategic objective of both partners.  The Umma Party seeks achievement of peace in the Sudan through civic venues. JEM perceives military option as a legitimate means towards achieving the stated objective.
3.    Constitutional status of the Government of National Unity lapses on July 9th 2009.  That leaves a constitutional vacuum that can only be addressed through a national government based on national consensus.
4.    The Sudanese 5th National Census is disputed and cannot serve as a base for political actions.
5.    The two parties to this Accord concur that democratic choice constitutes the only legitimate means for peaceful change of governments.  Legitimate/ genuine  elections require the following:
a.      Establishment of a national government that is based on national consensus
b.     Abolition of all laws restricting of freedom, with enough time prior to national elections
c.    Achievement of peace in all parts of Sudan to ensure that elections will cover the whole of the country
d.    Ensuring that elections are fully monitored by regional and international observers and; elections that do not satisfy the above (5.a-5.d) will harm the country and must be boycotted.
6.      Support of UNSC Resolution 1593 and affirmation of the principle of no impunity against prosecution.
7.    JEM notes the Declaration of Principles proposed by the Umma Party, offers its initial welcome of the proposal and commits itself to its careful study and response to the Umma Party.
8.    The Umma Party notes the Doha process.  The two parties agree on the necessity of implementation of the Good Will agreement signed by JEM and GoS to be followed by progress towards achievement of fair and comprehensive peace.
9.    The two parties appreciate the role of relief NGOs and voice their strong concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Darfur.  They further call for guaranteeing security for NGOs and IDPs, ensuring facilitation of NGOs, including those which have been expelled and enabling them to resume their humanitarian work in Darfur.
10.    Affirmation of good neighbourly relations between Sudan and its neighbouring countries and reiterating that good neighbourhood requires lack of interference in affairs of other countries, cooperation and peace-full co-existence.
11.    The two parties affirm that it is incumbent on all Sudanese people to work towards achievement of fair and comprehensive peace and full democratic transformation in the country.  The parties further welcome assistance of all international brothers and friends to enable the Sudanese people to undertake their duty and achieve peace and democracy in Sudan.


Dr. Abdel Rahman Bishara Dosa
Member and Secretary of the Political Bureau
National Umma Party
Ahmed Togut Lisan
Secretary for Negotiation and Peace
JEM translation

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