50% of Sudan constituencies allotted to six northern states

June 12, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The National Electoral Commission (NEC) allotted today 50% of the seats in the federal parliament to six northern states based on the results of the fifth national census.
Six states, namely Khartoum, Al-Jazeera, South Darfur, North Kordofan, North Darfur and Kassala won 225 seats, accounting for 50% of total seats in the National Assembly.
The other 19 states shared the remaining 225 seats. While the total of seats allocated to the ten States of Southern Sudan reached 96 seats, 21.3% of total seats of the National Assembly.
A decision issued by the NEC chairman Abel Alier, shows that the seats of the National Assembly, 450 seats (constituencies) are allotted as follows: Khartoum 60 seats, South Darfur 47, Al-Jazeera 41, North Kordofan 33, North Darfur 24, Kassala 20, White Nile 20, South Kordofan 17, Red Sea 16, Gedaref 15, Sennar 15, West Darfur 15, Jonglei 15, River Nile 13, Central Equatoria 13, Upper Nile 12, Warap 12, Blue Nile 10, Eastern Equatoria 10, Northern 8, 8, Lakes 8, western Equatoria 7, Western Bahr El Ghazal 4.
The elections law voted last July by the parliament establishes a mixed electoral system. 60 per cent of the 450 MPs will be chosen through the majority elect in their geographical constituencies. It also guarantees 15% of the MPs elected through proportional representation and 25% of the parliamentary seats to women who also will be elected through the proportional representation.
The election law sets a 4 percent minimum vote needed for any party to enter parliament through the proportional representation and requires for candidates at presidential elections to get at least 200 endorsements from 18 of Sudan’s 25 states.

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