Umma National Party Memorandum to the UN Meeting on Sudan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Umma National Party Memorandum to the UN Meeting on Sudan

Khartoum, Friday, 8th October, 2010

 To: H.E the UNSC chairperson

Honorable members of the UNSC

We welcome your visit to Sudan which is bound to send positive signals. The referendum is inevitable. However as things stand now, it is bound to repeat the scenario of the April elections with even worse consequences. This can and should be avoided if the following course is espoused:

1.     The current circumstances in Sudan will not allow the present Referendum Commission to conduct a Referendum whose outcome is universally accepted. The only feasible alternative is for a UN administration of the Referendum.

2.     There are about twenty points of disagreement between the CPA parties, which cannot be resolved before January 2011. Therefore, we suggest the formation of a Commission of Sudanese Wise-persons to be commissioned with resolving them. They should be given enough time irrespective of the date of the Referendum, say the end of 2012. However, the Referendum should be conducted in time.

3.      Darfur is now burning and the situation there since last April has deteriorated. We suggest acceptance of the Heidelberg Document as a basis for an All Darfur Conference, to be held immediately. There are some observations about the document, but it is the most comprehensive preparation, so far, for peace in Darfur. Nothing would prevent a Darfur Peace Agreement on this basis but lack of Political Will.

4.     It is necessary that the climate of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms in Sudan be guaranteed to ensure a positive climate for the Referenda.

5.     Both Unity and Secession are Constitutional Choices. However, it is necessary to guarantee that neither will lead to a resumption of hostilities.  It is necessary to agree upon certain reforms which could tip the balance in favor of Unity. However, it is necessary to agree upon a plan-B namely, a Protocol to ensure a special sisterly relationship between the two Sudanese Successor States, in case of a vote for secession. This Protocol should include a pact of Development and Security Cooperation. Failing to conduct the Referendum or an unsatisfactory one, will simply fuel current disparities and fan the flames of War.

We look up to the International Community to help us help ourselves, so please measure your honorable response to the gravity of the challenges, and eschew quick fixes which hinge their hopes upon a non- existent bilateral accord or a superficial attitude to the Referenda which, like the last elections, sacrificed substance to formality.

Umma National Party

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