The Synagogue of Khartoum’s Regime

The Synagogue of Khartoum’s Regime
The heralding clouds of peace are fluttering its wings these days. The smooth sail is timed to coincide with the advent of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), a thing that made sweet scent of solidarity and oneness prevail. It is obvious that the vision of Civil Society Organizations mingled with that of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), left a sound echo which may likely help push the wheel of peace forward should the regime show signs of seriousness and light a promising candle of hope at the end the tunnel.
Members of Civil Society spared no effort in addressing the head of the nail and frankly and transparently admitted the cause and who should shoulder it -a sigh of relief comes forth! The regime has, this time, been trapped and no way out only to comprehend and digest the lessons uttered by the oppressed. Now, the ball has been placed on the regime’s ground. How? The speech delivered by the spokesman of JEM at Darffourian gathering in Doha on 20 Nov,2009, which was well received by opponents before supporters and which was spiced by women’s hallulations and punctuated by men’s clap still echoing in everybody’s ear. Had they not been in Doha, they would have launched a resistance campaign and combed all streets demanding for their stolen rights and wounded dignity! Hopefully, the wings of heaven could carry the significance of that speech and voice of the voiceless which was reciprocated, by common consent, in great joy, broad smiles, thrilling whistles and content to shatter in pieces all false and fake allegations about (JEM), its objectives, mission and vision.
If this regime understands all stylistic features and reads between lines the symbolic dimension of the spokesman’s message, I dare say, peace will dominate and the stuttering rattles of guns subside. But if it gives it a deaf ear and continuous practicing the delusion and illusion scenario that it is still enjoying popularity, here I will remind them of W.T. Coleridge’s poem entitled, “To Nature”
So let it be; and if the wide world rings
In mock of this believe, it brings
No fear, nor grief, nor vain perplexity.
So will I build my altar in the field
And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be,
And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields
Shall be the incense I will yield to thee,
Thee only God and thou shalt not despise
Even me, the priest of this poor sacrifice.
I, without hesitation, dare say a remarkable degree of unity, integrity and solidarity had been achieved by Darfurians and Kordofanians upon granting their ears to JEM’s spokesman. They have correctly gauged the situation when Mr. Adam said “peace is our strategic choice”. Looking at it in retrospect, this particular point could make the regime’s position naked and bare, why? Because the regime has been drumming into people’s ears that JEM doesn’t want peace and totally under foreign influence! Again, Mr. Adam said “if the regime is serious, we will proceed on peace process today before tomorrow”. One question springs to mind- If JEM is controlled by foreign countries which serve like milking cows as the regime alleged -why then does JEM publicly show its readiness for an immediate implementation of peace?
Enough is enough!!!
The breaking up of villages and forcible separation of children from their parents; the disintegration and disorder of a used to be well- organized society; the ill knitted plot of divide and rule policy’ etc have left our society half paralyzed. Here reference must be made to native African colonizers and the role they played against their own people after independence was diagnosed as the worst compared to whites’. Let me quote Cassius in his attempt to persuade Brutus in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, ‘Men at sometimes are masters of their fate, the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings”. On this score, if one releases the rein of imagination could resort to the fact that our problems are not fate- made but man –made. Yes indeed, poverty, injustice, inequality and oppression –a deliberate divisive policy aiming to sardine the majority in a state of poor political awareness and cultural marginalization –in cells of black belt.
To conclude, people’s representatives have spelled their words out and JEM firmly seated its good intention in people’s hearts and minds and succeeded in winning admiration and support as well. In a nutshell, JEM is now the citadel upon which the aspiration of everybody’s soul is closed.
Hamid EL-Dood Mahdi Fershaya
Nov 20,2009

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