The Sudanese People should not Allow the19th Day of December go into Oblivion

The Sudanese People should not Allow the19th Day of December go into Oblivion

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

These important Reflections came to me against the backdrop of what was said about the date of the return of the Head of the Umma National Party (UNP), and the Imam of the Ansar religious Sect, the President of the Sudan Call Components Alliance, and Sudan’s former Prime MinisterSayed Sadig al-Mahdi, to Sudan, where the Nineteenth Day of December 2018 was chosen as a date for his return to Khartoum. Subsequently, the mass media outlets surfaced news items indicated that the Sudan’s state security prosecutor on Thursday 15 November 2018 issued an arrest warrant against him and others upon his arrival as he plans to return to the country on 19 December. It is noteworthy that Al-Mahdi has left Khartoum in February 2018, residedin Cairo until the first of July 2018 when the Egyptian authorities declared him persona non grata persona In diplomacy, a persona non grata (Latin: “person not appreciated”) and the Egyptians prevented him from entering into the country. He is now living in the British capital London. This arrest warrant for Sayed al-Sadig al-Mahdi comes days after the welcome of the vice-chairman of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Assistant to the President of the Republic, Dr. Faisal Hassan Ibrahim,  for the return of Imam Sadiq al-Mahdi to Sudan in the sense that there is a conflict between the decisions of officials of the regime led by the fugitive from the  international justice the perpetrator of the heinous crimes committed against the people of Sudan in the Darfur region Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed Bashir, who continues to be pursued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) In The Hague, the Netherlands, to arrest him in preparation for his trial.

After the extended reference to the above, we now come to the subject of the article, pointing out the importance of the date of the Nineteenth of December of each year as representing a sanctity of the virtuous Sudanese people.

As expected, and especially the components of the people of Sudan who were not born or were children then lack of knowledge of the importance of the nineteenth date of December of each year in Sudan, as well as the link of that date to the coordinates of the independence of Sudan from the colonialism known as the Anglo – EgyptianCONDOMINIUM.

The genocidal criminal in Darfur Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, leader of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), is not a stranger for reneging the peace agreements he has signed with the parties to the conflict and he is also the one who is breathlessly running for support from foreign forcesstarting with Russia to protect him against the American aggression and at the same time he begs the United States of America (USA) in the era of Donald Trump to lift the decades long sanctions as well as seeking protection from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and along with his ascension to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as a mercenary in the war in Yemen but surprisingly he has been quoted recently as said in his accusation of the civil and armed opposition factions as those who depend on America.He has been quoted as saying: “we will not bet the national decision to the outside world and that whoever tries to cover himself with America is considered naked. In response to Bashir’s statement people quoted the famous Sudanese parable that says:” The one who feels shy and embarrassed is dead!” Furthermore, there is a verse of a poetry has become a virtual proverb can be recalled for this Omer al-Bashir. The Arabic translation of the verse is as follows: The Dynasty of an Arab tribe called Ijil – Calf or veal – has been labeled as the sons of the most stupid father who to prove his acumen and the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions he removed one eye of his horse to name it the one-eyed as an answer in response to the question posed by his foes about the name of his horse which actually never had any name at the time of the question!

The Nineteenth day of December is the Celebration Day of the Sudan’s timeless history, which preserves its brightness and luster, but its memory every year because of the insistence on reaching the chandelier that was in accordance with the planning of the Forefathers and the parents who first produced those facts that remained and will remain forever on the epics of the people of the country. The facts of the History and the Documents on that Day indicated the following:

On Monday, December 19, 1955, the Chamber of Deputies met at its 43rd session at 10 am under the chairmanship of the President. There was a unanimous decision by all deputies to declare on behalf of the Sudanese people that the Sudan had become an independent State with full sovereignty. The deputies requested the President to request the two sovereign states to recognize this declaration immediately. That followed the Parliamentary member Abdulrahman Mohammed Ibrahim Dabaka, Deputy of the Electoral constituency of Al Baggara, West Nyala, that included Eddel Ghanam, Rihaid al-Birdi, Buram and al-Da’in made the following proposal by saying: “Mr. Member, I would like to propose the following: To present a letter to His Excellency the Governor- General in the following text: We, the members of the House of Representatives, An independent and sovereign State. We hope that you will request the two countries of the ANGLO-EGYPTIAN CONDOMINIUM, to make this declaration immediately. Abdulrahman Mohammed Ibrahim Dabaka was originally from the then Eddel Ghanam locality, currently renamed by the Putschist National Islamic Front (NIF) regime as Eddel Fursan, which was a part of the South of Darfur District inthe Darfur Province. It is noteworthy that Sudan at the time was administratively made up of Nine Provinces: Anglo-Egyptian Sudan had eight Mudiriyat, or Provinces, which were ambiguous when created but became well defined by the beginning of World War II. The Eight Provinces were: Blue Nile, Darfur, Equatoria, Kassala, Khartoum, Kordufan, Northern, and Upper Nile. In 1948, Bahr al Ghazal split from Equatoria.

His Honourable Member of the Parliament, Abdelrahman Dabaka Continued saying: ““I am pleased to present this great proposal at this historic and timeless moment after the glorious Sudanese people met for the full independence and sovereignty of the Sudan represented by the confluence and support of the two glorious Messengers, with the help of God and His mercy and the supreme interest of the country. This is the unanimous and comprehensive consensus of all members of Parliament represented in this Council to declare the independence of Sudan from this noble forum.  I appreciate the extent of the honor that his proposal and its representatives will receive in such a session. The history of this glorious country will record it in the register of honor and will be a dividing line between the era of colonialism, the era of total freedom, full sovereignty and the emancipation that the Sudan is a nation with all its components that are inspired not only by the interests of the people and by the will of the nation, but also by the people of the nation on an equal footing. And reaches the radiation to every corner of Sudan to dispel darkness and fills the country light and peace and prosperity.

Mr. Mashawir Jum’ah Sahl, deputy of Dar Hamid West Constituency, said: “I commend the historic proposal and appreciate the honor of its proposal and its representatives in such a session. He will record them in the register of honor. The history of this glorious country and will be a dividing line between the colonial era, which we have under fifty-seven years and the era of total freedom and full sovereignty and emancipation, which makes Sudan a nation in all its components not inspired in its internal affairs and external interests of the people. “We have done all we can to achieve full independence and sovereignty,” he said. “We never accepted half-solutions and we did not wait for a moment or a little bit. The proposal was then unanimously adopted. Mr. Mashawir Jum’ah Sahl, deputy of Dar Hamid West Constituency, said: “I commend this historic proposal and appreciate the honor of its proposal and its representatives in such a session. The proposal will be recorded in the register of honour. The history of this glorious country and will be a dividing line between the colonial era, which we have under for fifty-seven years and the era of total freedom and full sovereignty and emancipation, which makes Sudan a nation in all its components and inspired in its internal affairs and external interests of the people. “We have done all we can to achieve full independence and sovereignty,” he said. “We never accepted half-solutions and we did not wait for a moment or a little bit. The proposal was then unanimously adopted.

On December 19, 1955, the will of the Sudanese people united behind one word: independence. On this day, all were overwhelmed by the names of the first nationals made up of Abd al-Rahman Dabaka, Mirghani Hussein Zaki al-Din and Mashawir Jum’ah Sahl, Hammad Ambusadur and others.The representatives of all the parties then spoke in favor of the proposal with strong enthusiasm and a firm desire for a new Sudan. Then, MP Hassan Jibril Suleiman (Federal National Party), the Darfur-Zalingei district, northwest of district 56, made the following suggestion: “Since the recognition of the independence of Sudan entails the establishment of a Sudanese head of state, o exercise the powers of the Head of State, it is the opinion of this Council that the Parliament elects a selection of five Sudanese, to exercise the powers of the Head of State. Finally, Mr. Mohieddin Al-Haj Mohamed (National Unionist Party) proposed the following: “It is the opinion of this Council that an elected Constituent Assembly shall establish and approve the final constitution of Sudan and the election law for the next parliament.” The proposal was moderated by Mr. Hammad Abu-Saeed (Northern-East Nubia Mountain Deputy).

Earlier, spoke on the subject two prominent members from the two main Political Parties. Then came the role of Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub, the leader of the opposition, who said: “We have made every effort to achieve full independence and state sovereignty, and we have never accepted half of the solutions and we have not given up for a moment, otherwise Sudan would be lost). The proposal was then unanimously approved.

The speech of the late Mubarak Zarroug following the consensus on the declaration of independence from within the parliament (19/12/1955)

Attention will be published in attention on 31-12-2012

What we took in the calculation of time does not exceed two years, but in the calculation of accidents, values ​​and victories is a huge record envied by future generations, when we all become part of the richness of this Holy Land, and when this generation becomes an impact of history, “This day marks the end of an important era in the history of our national struggle. Our journey of Islam has ended in a journey that may be more difficult and cruel. We have fulfilled today the covenant we have made for the people, the fulfillment of the covenant and the fulfillment of the promise.

The Azhari government temporarily halted progress toward self-determination for Sudan, hoping to promote unity with Egypt. However, on Monday December 19, 1955, the Sudanese parliament, under Azhari’s leadership, unanimously adopted a declaration of independence afterAbdulrahman Mohammed Ibrahim Dabaka, Deputy of the Electoral constituency of Al Baggara, West Nyala suggested the Declaration of Independence of Sudan from within the Parliament; on January 1, 1956, Sudan became an independent republic and to resolve the quarrels and arguments between the parties of the Messrs. Mirghani and Mahdi, away from the subordination to the Nasserite Arab Republic of Egypt.

Thus, through those heroic positions of Abdul Rahman Dabaka who was chosen to read the proposal for the independence of the Sudan from within the Parliament at its 43rd session, the third session of the Congress in December 19, 1955, to find the consensus of all the deputies at the moments of articulation from the history of Sudan until it was declared a free independent state It was then called on the two colonial countries to recognize the demand of the Sudanese people represented by their deputies in the Sudanese parliament until the official independence was declared on Sunday January 1, 1956, and the Sudan was free and independent. Nevertheless, December 19 each year will also remain a landmark and a milestone in the in the history of Sudan’s independence from the clutches of colonialism.

Stephen Richards Covey the American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker has been quoted as saying:” Every human has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom.”
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The Poet Ahmed Shawgi Said:

The Red Freedom has a Door  where a blood stained hand strikes

Edmund Burke the Irish statesman was an author, orator, political theorist and philosopher has been quoted as saying: All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is


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