The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]

Presidential Decrees, JEM
Decree No. (13) for the year 2012

Name of Decree and date of commencement:

This Decree is called Decree of Exemption of Commander General of JEM of his Duties, operative as of date of issuance and appearance in the official website of the Movement.

Pursuant to the powers vested in me under Article 4/4 / T / 2 of the Statute of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement and Article 5/1 of the Law on the organization of JEM forces, I issue the following Decree:

Lt General Bakheit Abdalla Abdel Kareem, known also as Dabajo is relieved of his role as Commander General of JEM. 

The President of JEM and Supreme Commander of JEM Forces will be in charge of all duties of Commander General of JEM until further notice.

Issued under my signature and seal on Thursday August 9th, 2012

Dr. Gibril Ibrahim Mohamed
Head of JEM and Supreme Commander of its Forces.

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