The specific letter for Military, Police and all other security departments in Sudan

The specific letter for  Military,

Police and all other security departments in Sudan:

>From my deepest heart wishing you and your family very prestigious new year and happy holiday. As the year of 2010 has gone with its mystery, let us hope the 2011 is the final year of the painful history in Sudan.

Dear Sudanese

military, police and  other national security departments, according to our  pretty long studies about the Sudanese national security in general, their roles about defending the country of Sudan was unclear. Its seems no single positive role has been plaid for benefit of our country, since Mahadia era has ended in Sudan in the middle of last century. Every step or movement has been made was terrible and yet seriously threatened the existence of the largest country in the African continent. I do not trying to underestimate your loyalty or judge your capability toward your responsibility, but you just didn’t do it right!!
In every country regardless of system a country ruled, the military, police  and other security departments are absolutely independent from the political influence,but in Sudan things are quite opposite because we
live In a different planet. In Sudan these departments seems look like belongs to certain parties or a persons, not belongs to the country, and this behaviour are negatively contributed towards  our country’s progress. 

Dear Sudanese
military, police  and others as far as we know, today we are in the beginning of 2011,  which means that we have just hit 55 catastrophic years after our magic independent, so you as a national servant required to take few quite moment and think about what have you done to your country last 55 years and what
needed to be done in the near future.

Do you think
you  have done right things as others those are obtaining similar positions do to their countries? Or you have been acting a foolishness throughout 55 years? Believe or not you have been so naughty against your own country and your people. And that resulted the situation where we are right now.

The genocide,
and the war crime against humanity have continuing for decades across country,  human right reached a level below zero, thousands of our loving mothers, sisters and women have been rapped, beaten and
insulted so aggressively in front of world vision, progress has diminished all over country, corruption has extended event so crazy, and the most importantly the country has divided in pieces. All these things happened in your own country and it is continuing at the moment I have wrote this letter,  then where were/are you from all these mess/ damage?

Do you
actually know what is your really job? Again, I am not questioning your ability you are a world superpower with numerous well documented evidences, but I think you might brain washed. You urgently needed to
sit down and relax your mind in quite place and forgive yourself, then think about who are you serving for, certain persons or your country. Finally think about what can you do to return the all those damage in a right place. You must come up with a genuine solution right now. The right thing to do is throw National Congress Party (NCP) in a garbage right now!! you can do it!.  However, you are not new for doing so, the history are witness. You have thrown evil Jaafar Nemari and its darkness era in to a garbage.
Also, you
were absolute winner in all those historic battles in our country. The Battle of El-Teb, Omdabikarat, Karrari, Dergil, Druti, and many others.  Then why you can’t do the same. Treat NCP as our country’s
number one enemy and it is true. You are strong and powerful you must not let evil use your capacity to destroy the Sudan.
Dear beloved
servant as I said above our country is in a serious danger and the responsibilities are quite clear for every Sudanese adult whether he/she civilian or serve in any of the departments mentioned above, you have to stand up for your country’s right ,if you don’t, you are truly betrayed five million martyrs  those have sacrificed their life so you and i could have a perfect life and our a future generations.

Musa Abakar,

HFX, Canada

[email protected]

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