The role of civil society in Darfur

The role of civil society in Darfur
Rural community it is the community that has been targeted by the stockholders around the world aiming to achieve the millennium development that humanitarian and strategies studies said.
Main cause of conflicts in different parts of Africa it is argument over resources and lack of development and that why we have  been in conflict for the couples of years in Africa ,but the major question who will be responsible for the development ?
The big role of development on the government since it is governing the people, and these people need to be developed in terms of infrustractions (education, health, roads, water, and protection the environment) so it is huge plan to do that, the problem now we are facing challenges by the government itself because there is no good governance and transparency and this the point where can easily conflict break out and crisis over all the region which there oppression.
Shall we stay and say this role of the government?  We can say no and yes
Basically development it is the community and voluntary people will initiate for building their infrustraction particularly in Darfur people have good reputation and good well to cooperate and support each other through collective work or group work, which is habits of Sudanese as well as darfurian community and it is voluntary initiative that called civil society organization the different between them the first it dose not has budgets line or guideline and the second does not.
Here I will say the role of civil society organization will contribute and promoting peace concepts which now days we need it so much after the whole society relationship collapse indirectly uniting community and capacity building through empowering the independents bodies and individuals in the region .
The role of civil society is now ruing uniting the rebels in Darfur and in other hand are supporting peace issues in the region.
Salaheldin Hussein zakaria
[email protected]

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