The Istanbul Conference to help the Sudan Economically Means to Finance the War against Civilians and the Continuation of Genocide

The Istanbul Conference to help the Sudan Economically Means to Finance the War against Civilians and the Continuation of Genocide.

The convening and the participation in the Istanbul Conference to discuss the Sudan debts cancellation and provide economic and financial assistance to its regime is clearly contradict the commitments of the participant countries to protect and safeguard human rights, justice and accountability.  The leaders of the regime for which this conference is planned, are convicted in war crimes and genocides, using food as a weapon in Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan and Blue Nile, targeting innocent civilians by indiscriminate aerial and ground bombardments and suppressing and confiscating all freedoms. The countries of the European Union and Norway, who are playing a vital role in the organization of this conference, are democratic countries that need to uphold their democratic values and commitments. The United Nations, which also taking part in this conference, is the same organization that referred the case of Darfur to the ICC that eventually indicted the leaders of the Sudan regime for war crimes, genocide crimes and crime against humanity. The perplexing question is how these countries and organizations that wanted the leaders of the Sudan regime for war crimes and genocide, organize such an economic conference to help the same leaders to continue committing the same crimes. On the other hand, such a conference raises a number of questions about the seriousness of these countries and their commitments to their own decisions and the values they promote nationally and internationally.

We regrets even the thought of convening the Istanbul conference to help the genocidal regime in Khartoum and call on all legislators, civil organizations and political parties in these countries to mount their objection to such conference. We also call upon all Sudanese especially in Europe and particularly in Norway and Brussels, the headquarters of the EU, Germany, Britain and France, to campaign against this conference, which will prolong the suffering of the Sudanese people in general and especially the civilians in the war affected areas if it take place at the end of this month.

We are pleased by and appreciate the position of the United States of America regarding this conference.

Yasir Arman
The Secretary General of the SPLMN
The Secretary for Foreign Relations of the SRF

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