The consequences of Britain leaving the EU

The consequences of Britain leaving the EU

The prospects for Britain’s Exit from the European Union

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman


As they say, we lived and witnessed many exciting events and changes in life in the world, including the exit of Britain from the European Union at the Eleventh hour according to British Standard- time which coincided the Twelve hours according to the European Union Standard time on Friday, January 31, 2020 in what was called BREXIT, meaning Britain Exiting or leaving of the European Union (EU). On that Unfortunately quasi-Catastrophic event, I must admit that , I was with the Remainders on the Day of the Ballots on The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum that took place in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar on Thursday 23 June 2016, but the rules of the game seemed to have compelled us to respect the opinion of the majority  








, although the opinion of the majority came at a time when public opinion did not form properly towards the referendum, and the results of the referendum narrowly in favor of exit in exchange for staying, and it became obligatory for Parliament to enact the Brexit legislation that allows Under which the Britons have left the European Union(EU) , and from strange paradoxes in the world of politics, sometimes leaders make crazy decisions in moments of enjoying power changing the course of peoples ’lives and history, leaving the European Union was not a popular demand in Britain, and it will not be one of the political issues raised in the political scene Which They are the British voter, in moments of serenity and without objective introductions, the former put British Minister David Cameron in his election program if he won the election for the second time the British people in a referendum given the choice between staying in the European system or out of it. It was not easy to enter Britain to the European Union, as leaving it was not easy. Britain submitted an application to join the European Common Market in 1961, after two previous attempts by Charles de Gaulle, the former French president, to use the veto. Britain’s membership in the market was accepted in 1973, the Labor Party came to power in 1974 and decided Renegotiating Britain’s membership in the European Common Market and displaying the outcome of the negotiation to a popular referendum in which the people voted 67% ؜ in favor of remaining in 1975. The Labor Party first entered the issue of leaving the European Union in its election campaign in 1983, but it suffered a crushing defeat, and with it the issue of leaving the European Union got out of the political agenda. Within the Conservative Party, an EuroscepticPopulist discourse grew in the background of the controversy surrounding the nature of exclusive powers between the federations and the member states of the European system.

When Cameron won the general elections for the second time, he negotiated the European Union over the conditions for his return to the European fold and called for a public referendum in which exit advocates won by 51.9% and the then Prime Minister David Cameron submitted his resignation to give way to Teresa May, who was committed to negotiating to leave the European Union (EU). Theresa May failed to obtain a majority in the British Parliament to pass the results of her negotiations with the European Union three times and was forced to submit her resignation and leaving the space afield for the Brexiter BorisJohnson who immediately after assuming power he decided to send the Parliament on leave and tried to pass his agenda on the withdrawal agreement. But the British judiciary passed his statement to the Supreme Court which declared Johnson’s decision as null and void and he had to send Parliament into recession in order to enable himself to pass hisunconstitutional political agenda. Nevertheless, Boris Johnson won the last elections with a comfortable majority, and he managed to pass the withdrawal agreement unilaterally through the British Parliament. Britain left the European Union (EU) in form, but the final exit challenges are contingent upon reaching a complete withdrawal agreement with the European Union, according to new conditions imposed by the European Union. Britain may try to return the folds once again to re- enter the EU, some optimistic experts say.


The Intergenerational conflict or Intergenerational struggle game over Britain’s exit from the European Union


Despite this historical background narrative, there are two undeclared warfare- like battles are going on. They are going on in the British experience on the issue of staying or withdrawing from the European Union.

The struggle of generations, where Older / Youngergenerations see survival in the European Union as a product of the concept of globalization in which these generations were born, while old / large generations viewed the matter through the struggle of old powers in the old continent, as staying within the European Union considers a victory for Germany by annexing Britain by means Diplomacy, which failed militarily.

The second observation is the difficulty of leaving unions and once joining It. it seems that the European Union has drafted strict laws since its formation, with which it is difficult to exit or withdraw, so Britain’s mission became not easy to negotiate for exit, especially with regard to economic relations.

Thus, Friday night, January 31, 2020, has witnessed in Britain an atmosphere of overwhelming joy, which was agitating, raising flags, singing and dancing to celebrate the Exit from the European Union, while there is some anger and sadness about leaving the European Union from groups that had previously voted against leaving the European Union and Indeed, the Friday night of January 31, 2020 was a night that history will remember and passed it for the new generations that come.

Jean-Claude Juncker the Luxembourg politician, who served as President of the European Commission from 2014 to 2019 and the 23rd Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013 and also the Minister for Finances from 1989 to 2009 has been quoted as saying: “As complicated and complex and as difficult as we are, the unity of Europe is a pre-condition for a better organized world, and if the European Union would fail or decompose, or other members left, the U.S. would have a more difficult role to play in the world.


Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is


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