Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government

November 27, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese presidential adviser accused on Thursday the southern Sudan ruling Party, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) of planning to topple the government of President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Abdallah Massar, told a meeting with local political leaderships held in Nyala, capital of South Darfur state that the SPLM plans to undertake a military action aiming to topple the Islamic regime in Khartoum.

According to the official SUNA, the Presidential adviser who leads a splinter faction of Party Umma said this hostile operation would start next March and with attacks from southern Blue Nile, Abyei and Nuba Mountains in southern Kordofan.

The SPLM is facing huge pressures from the National Congress Party (NCP), as different officials accused the southern Sudan party of supporting the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which clashed recently in Darfur and Kordofan with the government troops in Darfur.

Gahzi Salah Eddin, who is in charge of Darfur file urged the southern Sudan ruling party “to left her hand from Darfur conflict” saying that the role of the SPLM in Darfur was always negative since the start of the conflict.

Also the spokesperson of the Sudan Armed Forces said that the SPLM is harboring JEM troops. He added that such support violate the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the security arrangements specially.

Massar called on the NCP and the other political forces in the north to prepare to confront the military aggression planned by the SPLM.

In less than two months the Southern Sudanese will vote on self determination of the semi-autonomous region. The vote is widely expected to be in favor of secession.

Southern Sudan President said that he would not call for a reprisal attack against the northern army after an air strike in Northern Bhar el-Ghazal. Juba says injured six people on Wednesday but the Sudanese army dismissed the responsibility of the attack.


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