Sudan opposition parties call for 'intifada'


Sudan opposition parties call for ‘intifada’
(Radio Dabanga) The National Consensus Forces (NCF) are not interested in a national dialogue, as long as it will not dismantle the one-party-state in Sudan. The allied opposition parties instead call for an intifada. After a lengthy meeting on Wednesday, the leadership of the NCF, a coalition of Sudanese opposition parties, issued the September Declaration, calling for the “elimination of the Khartoum regime” through civil disobedience and a popular uprising, with the purpose of establishing “an alternative democratic and independent Sudan, meeting the aspirations of the people”. The NCF consider the Paris Declaration, signed by the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF, an alliance of the main rebel movements) and the National Umma Party (NUP), and the Addis Ababa “principles agreement on the National Dialogue” a step forward.

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Sudan’s ruling NCP reiterates rejection of transitional government

(Sudan Tribune) Sudan’s second vice-president and head of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) political sector, Hassabo Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, has reiterated the government’s rejection of the formation of a transitional government, saying it will not cave in to opposition demands. Abdel-Rahman, who addressed the NCP political sector conference in Khartoum on Saturday, said his party rejects this demand, stressing that elections is a constitutional requirement and will be held on time. Hassabo also threatened to punish rouge members within his party, calling upon all members to express their views within the NCP institutions. He underscored that they will not allow party members to express their own views on issues approved by NCP institutions. “You [party member] have the right to express your opinion within the party institutions not on your own website on the internet or Whatsapp; this is prohibited and we will not allow it,” he said. He also described taking strength from foreign powers as a “national betrayal”.

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Vice-President of the Republic rejects opposition’s call for interim government

(SUNA) The Vice-President of the Republic, Chairman of National Congress’ Political Sector, Hassabo Mohammed Abdul-Rahman has rejected the call of opposition call for transitional government, saying the callers for interim government know they would not win the election so they want an exceptional status Addressing the Conference of National Congress’ Political Sector in Khartoum State Saturday , the Vice-President reiterated that the elections will be held in its fixed time , for on May 1rst the President will have no power and with expired mandate.

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Rebels killed 23 government troops in North Darfur’: citizens
(Radio Dabanga) The number of government troops killed in an attack on a military convoy in North Darfur on Thursday has risen to 23. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, residents of Shangil Tobaya and Abu Rizeiga in North Darfur confirmed that joint rebel forces of Taher Hajar’s Liberation Movement for Justice (LMJ-TH) and Minni Minawi’s Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-MM) attacked a military convoy in the area of Jebel Hireiz on Thursday afternoon. They said that 23 government troops had been killed.“A government convoy of 75 vehicles, backed by tanks, arrived at the battlefield on Friday. They raised the bodies, and combed the area in search for missing troops and deserters.

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Sudan’s opposition NCF will only accept dialogue for genuine change

(Sudan Tribune) The umbrella of Sudanese opposition parties reiterated its rejection to the current national dialogue saying they can only accept a process that would lead to genuine change and after the suspension of repressive laws. The National Consensus Forces (NCF) released on Wednesday a declaration of principle on the national dialogue called “September Declaration” in reference to the bloody anti-austerity protests of 2013 where over 200 people were killed. Accordingly, the alliance of left opposition parties, which includes Communist Party, Sudanese Congress Party, Haq, and other groups, rejects to be part of any process that does not lead to dismantle “the one-party state” and to hold accountable those who committed crimes against the Sudanese people. On Thursday, NCF chairman Farouk Abu Essa told Sudan Tribune they are not opposed to the national dialogue but insist on the importance to define the desired goals of this internal process before to join it, stressing they would not concede their demand for a transitional government.

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Sudan security detains opposition leader on return from Addis Ababa
(Radio Dabanga) The Sudanese security authorities on Friday detained a leading member of the National Consensus Forces, upon his return from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa after a meeting with leaders of the Sudan Revolutionary Front. The head of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), Ibrahim Sheikh, and seven party members are still held in custody, despite the amnesty granted by President Al Bashir on Wednesday. Siddig Yousef, spokesman for the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties) reported to Radio Dabanga that Dr Mohamed Hassan Babiker was detained by security officers early on Friday morning at Khartoum airport upon his return from Addis Ababa. The head of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), Ibrahim Sheikh, and seven party members are still detained, despite the declaration by Thabo Mbeki, the chairman of the AUHIP mediation team, on Wednesday that President Al Bashir agreed to order their release.
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Sudan: Security Closes Civil Society Centre in Khartoum

(All Africa) A force of security agents raided the Centre for Civil Society Development in the Sudanese capital on Wednesday. “A large force of National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) officers stormed the Centre for Civil Society Development in Khartoum’s El Amarat district on Wednesday,” a member of the Centre told Radio Dabanga. “They confiscated all the property, including laptops and documents, and told us that the Centre was definitely closed.” In June this year, the Ministry of Justice revoked the registration license of Salmmah Women’s Resource Centre in Khartoum.
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Chambas proposes to entrust Mbeki with Darfur peace file

(Sudan Tribune) Darfur joint peace mediator Mohamed Ibn Chambas has made a proposed to the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) that the head of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) be entrusted with the Darfur file. Chambas made his proposal last Friday in a briefing to AUPSC where he spoke about the recent joint activities undertaken with Thabo Mbeki in line with a previous decision asking them to synchronise their efforts to bring peace in Sudan. Chambas who heads also the hybrid peacekeeping operation in Darfur expressed UNAMID readiness to provide the necessary logistical support to implement any agreement that leads to stop war in the region or the integration of rebel combatants into the regular forces.

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Spokesperson of UNAMID special representative to hold press conference next Monday in Khartoum

(SUNA) The spokesman of the special representative of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID),, Ashraf Issa is due to hold Monday morning 11:00 a.m a press conference at the conferences hall of the missions office in Khartoum. The spokesman will provide during the conference to the media organization enlightenment on the United Nation Security Council resolution No. 2173 on the expanding of the UNAMID mission mandate, the meetings recently held in Addis Ababa, besides the current developments pertinent to the missions activates and the peace process in Darfur.

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South Darfur coordinating with other states in region to enhance security

(Sudan Tribune) The government of Sudan’s South Darfur state has revealed it is cooperating with other states in Darfur on security matters to protect commercial convoys and secure common borders. Darfur, which is divided into 5 states, suffers from an 11-year armed conflict between the government and rebel groups as well as escalating tribal fighting which became a major cause for insecurity in the restive region. The commissioner of al-Radoom locality, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman Gami’e disclosed deployment of government troops in the state’s southern localities to enhance the security situation and control outlaws. He called upon all state residents to adhere to government directives to maintain stability of the security situation.

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S. Sudanese Kiir Seeks Meeting with Sudanese President
(Sudan Vision) South Sudanese president Salva Kiir has written a letter to his Sudanese counterpart, Omer Hassan Al Bashir, requesting an official meeting to discuss bilateral and mutual matters, his office disclosed on Friday. “President Salva Kiir has written a letter seeking a meeting with the Sudanese president on bilateral and mutual issues. It is now the government of Sudan to make the schedules and pick the date. The letter was delivered by our ministry of foreign through our embassy in Khartoum,” presidential spokesperson Ateny Wek Ateny told Sudan Tribune. The letter, whose exact date and content remains unknown, reportedly reiterated Juba’s commitment to fully implement the terms of the 2012 cooperation agreement, pledging to strengthen bilateral and mutual matters with its northern neighbour.If approved, it will be Kiir’s fourth official visit to Khartoum after his country seceded from the latter in July 2011. The visit, observers say, would likely review progress in the implementation of the joint agreements between the two countries.

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Presidency of Republic eulogizes Dr. Mohamed Mandour Al-Mahdi

(SUNA) The Presidency of the Republic has eulogized Friday, the leader figure of the National Congress Party (NCP)and the Islamic movement, Dr. Mohamed Mandour Al-Mahdi who passed away Friday in London, the deceased body will arrive Saturday to be buried in Khartoum.

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