Sudan denies reports on hindering registration for referendum

KHARTOUM, Nov 20 (KUNA) — The Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) refuted on Saturday recent press reports that southerners faced obstacles while registering for the upcoming referendum on self-determination, slated for January 9, 2011.
Speaking to reporters here, SSRC spokesman George Makuer said: “The registration process goes smoothly as planned.” “We’ve not received any official objections or complaints relating to the registration whether in northern or southern Sudan,” Makuer affirmed.
Commenting on the low turnout for registration particularly in Khartoum State, he attributed the problem to the fact that registration coincided with the start of the Eid Al-Adha holidays and the travel season from Sudan to the United States.
The registration process, which started in mid November and will last until the end of the month, sees a growing number of southerners who show up to register for the referendum nationwide.
“The number of people who registered in Northern Sudan topped 9,000 but we have yet to receive figures from the South,” Makuer disclosed.
Initial reports from the south show larger turnout there which is normal due to the fact that the region is the home of the southerners who are more interested in the process, the spokesman argued.
Recent press reports blamed the former rebel People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) for lobbying the southerners living in the north against going to polls for fear that its peace partner the National Congress Party would use them in rigging the January referendum. (end) KUNA 201917 Nov 10NNNN

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