Statement from the women congregation of Darfur regarding gang – rape of Zamzam IDPs camp

On 5th of February 2019, elements of Khartoum’s supported Janjaweed militias on camels back, armed to the teeth, gang – raped 6 IDPs women and one boy from Zamzam IDPs camp of North Darfur. The rape incident took place when 6 IDPs women and 3 boys went out from the camp in order to collect fire woods and straw at Um Hashaba area a few kilometers from the camp, however,; the victims were strongly tied with camel- reins, dragged over harsh thorn, critically beaten before they were gang raped at gunpoint, and therefore; we the women congregation of Darfur(WCD) would like, however to put into record the following clarification points: –

1- the rape and sexual violence against women IDPs and genocide victims in Darfur by Khartoum regime had continued with impunity since the government started its scorched earth policy in Darfur in 2004.

2- As the regional and international attention is focused on the ongoing peaceful demonstrations country wide, we the IDPs and women population of Darfur are fearing the worst and that, the regime might use this opportunity to repeat the atrocious incident of sexual attack of Tabit of 2014 elsewhere in Darfur as the regime’s demise is ticking down.

3- what took place in Zamzam can not be seen from an isolation of the ongoing killings and crackdown against women activists and peaceful demonstratiors across Sudan and therefore; we sternly warn Khartoum to stop adding more crimes on its nasty record of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

4- we kindly appeal the world community and the peace loving nations especially UN, EU, the Torika countries, U.S.A, U.K and the AU to do every thing in their power to safe lives through bring an end to the murderous, blood thirsty and kleptocrat regime of Al- Bashir in Sudan.

The names of Zamzam rapees are: –

1- Omaima Khatir Bosh
2- Aisha Bishara Abdella
3- Um Bashaair Abaker Abdella
4- Hawa Mohamed Unis
5- Hadiya Yagoub Bishara
6- Rasha Daoud Dahiya
7- Haider Suleiman Fadoul.

The Women Congregation of Darfur ( WCD)

8 th of February 2019

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