SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias

August 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The dominant party in southern Sudan government (SPLM) has once again accused its northern Sudan peace partner of arming militias to destabilize stability in the semi-autonomous region.
“The National Congress has been arming militia groups to cause instability in south Sudan,” said Secretary General Pagan Amum in a press briefing held in Juba after the end of SPLM political bureau meeting on Thursday.
“The NCP is also arming civilians”
Further Pagan disclosed that his party set out a plan to stop the transfer of arms to the south and to continue the disarmament of civilians there.
SPLM Spokesman Yien Matthew on Saturday said the southern Sudan authorities seized guns bearing a logo of a Khartoum manufacturer.
Since January 2009, more than 2,000 people have died in inter-tribal violence and more than 250,000 people have been displaced across the ten states of Southern Sudan.
The NCP in the past dismissed SPLM accusations over the rearmament of southern Sudanese tribes particularly its past allies who fought against the former rebel SPLA.
According to the UN officials in Juba, the endless tribal fighting seems mainly motivated by the control of water resources and grazing. Also they added that the revenge and the lack of needed infrastructure and roads make it difficult to send troops the troubled areas like Jonglei or Upper Nile.

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