South Sudanese choose independence – early figures

Jan 20 (Reuters) – South Sudanese overwhelmingly voted for

separation in last week’s independence referendum, according to

preliminary results and estimates from poll officials surveyed

by Reuters in all 10 southern states.

Below are the tentative results, showing majorities for

separation approaching 99 percent. Official results are not due

out until early February.

* CENTRAL EQUATORIA: Preliminary results:

Secession – 449,290 votes:

Unity     –   4,985 votes:

Central Equatoria state includes the southern capital Juba,

the political and economic hub of the underdeveloped region.

* EASTERN EQUATORIA: Preliminary results:

Secession – 462,663 votes:

Unity     –     246 votes:

* LAKES: Preliminary results:

Secession – 298,216 votes:

Unity     –     227 votes:

* NORTHERN BAHR AL-GHAZAL: Preliminary results:

Secession – 381,140 votes:

Unity     –     233 votes:

Southerners in Northern Bahr al-Ghazal state say they were

bombed by northern forces near the border in the run up to the

referendum, something the north denies. The disputed border is

one of the key points of contention between north and south.

* UNITY: Preliminary results:

Secession – 497,435 votes:

Unity     –      90 votes:

Oil-producing Unity state received a disproportionate number

of returnees from the north in the months leading up to the


* UPPER NILE: Preliminary results:

Secession – 344,722 votes:

Unity     –   1,813 votes:

In the lead up to the referendum, the southern army accused

northern forces of ambushing its soldiers in oil-producing Upper

Nile state, which has also been the site of attacks by a

renegade southern army commander.

* WESTERN BAHR AL-GHAZAL: Preliminary results:

Secession – 153,839 votes:

Unity     –   7,237 votes:

Western Bahr al-Ghazal state borders the north and

neighbours the strife-torn Darfur region.

* WESTERN EQUATORIA: Preliminary results:

Secession – 211,833 votes:

Unity     –   1,017 votes:

Western Equatoria state is a highly fertile region but has

been plagued by raids by the brutal Ugandan rebel Lord’s

Resistance Army (LRA).

* JONGLEI: Official estimates:

“We think we may even get 99 percent for secession,” said

election official John Boloch, who is overseeing the counting in

the state.

Jonglei State was one of the worst affected by tribal

violence before the referendum, and has seen clashes between

government forces and renegade southern troops. French oil giant

Total as a largely unexplored concession there.

* WARRAP: Official estimates:

Secession – c. 468,858 votes:

Unity     –      c.167 votes:

“I don’t expect these figures to change by much,” said Gai

William Deng Nhial, who is overseeing the counting in the state.

Southern president Salva Kiir is from a village close to

Sudan’s north-south border in Warrap state, one of the most

underdeveloped areas of the war-ravaged south.


EGYPT     – 3,162 for secession, 75 for unity:

ETHIOPIA  – 7,136 for secession, 26 for unity:

KENYA     – 14,712 for secession, 42 for unity:

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