Response to John Holmes' statement on expelled agencies in Sudan

ATLANTA (June 12, 2009) – CARE USA wishes to respond to the statements made by John Holmes, the U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, on Thursday June 11, 2009.
Holmes implied in his statement that CARE USA, which was one of the 13 aid agencies expelled from Sudan in March, would be allowed to return to Sudan. This however is not the case. CARE USA’s registration in Sudan remains void, and CARE USA will not resume operations in North Sudan.
CARE International Foundation (Switzerland) has applied for a registration to operate in Sudan in order to provide humanitarian and development assistance to poor and vulnerable communities. CI Switzerland is a distinct and independent organization registered in Switzerland, under Swiss law, and is separate from CARE USA.
About CARE: CARE International is an independent, non-political, non-religious confederation comprised of the following organizations: CARE Australia, CARE Canada, CARE Danmark, CARE Deutschland, CARE France, CARE Japan, CARE Nederland, CARE Norge, CARE ֳterreich, CI Switzerland, CARE Thailand/Raks Thai Foundation, CARE International UK, and CARE USA. The confederation secretariat is based and registered in Geneva, Switzerland. CARE International operates emergency response and development programs in nearly 70 countries around the world.
Media Contact: Melanie Brooks, Care International, in Geneva, +41.22.795.1024 (office), +41.795.903.047 (cell), [email protected]

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