Rebels claim attack on Sudanese military convoys

(Radio Dabanga) The Sudan Revolutionary Front claims to have killed more than 100 Sudanese army and militia troops in an attack on three military convoys south of Abu Zabad, near the border between North and South Kordofan.  Mohamed Bileil Eisa Zayed, deputy head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and JEM secretary for the Kordofan region reported to Radio Dabanga that a force consisting of JEM and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) troops on Saturday, at around 3pm, attacked three convoys of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in the area of Jebel Abu Dumou’, 50km south of Abu Zabad Town.  Dozens of other army and militia troops were injured and taken prisoner. A Sukhoi MiG jet was brought down. The rebels captured 30 military vehicles loaded with various weapons, in addition to large quantities of mortars, ammunition, equipment and medical and food supplies.

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Opposition parties denounce Sudan government’s military campaigns

(Radio Dabanga) The Sudanese National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties) have strongly denounced the government’s military campaign for the coming period against all rebel forces in Sudan.  Faroug Abu Eisa, the NCF chairperson told Radio Dabanga that “the regime in Khartoum has chosen the path of war, when it expanded its circle from Darfur to South Kordofan and the Blue Nile. This regime can only stay in power when it wages war. It is now expanding the war, as we witness every day.”  Kamal Omar Abdelsalam, the spokesperson for the NCF and political secretary of the Popular Congress Party also stated that the Khartoum regime is now organising “the biggest campaign of war against its own people.”

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Number of AIDS-infected people rises in Sudan

(Xinhua) The number of Sudanese people infected with AIDS is up amid low level of awareness about the threats of the disease as well as means of its transmission and prevention from it, according to Sudan’s official statistics.  “The AIDS infection rate among Sudanese people hit 79,514 cases, 8,516 of them are new cases. Additionally, 5,417 AIDS-related death cases have been registered during 2013,” said Sudan’s Health Ministry in a statement on the occasion of the World AIDS Day.  Earlier the SNAP announced that among each 10,000 citizens there are 42 AIDS infected people, adding that the number of children infected with AIDS amounted to 1,290, with three children born infected with AIDS every day.

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