Operation of persecution

Hassan Ahmed
[email protected]
When the person sees daily in front of her \ his blocks every day , then way of salvation becomes not possible , because of the worst actions of government in the own country , until the simple hope to live in safe situation non existence , the basic things of human being life , for example , the right of life , freedom expression , social justice , fair elections to choose the candidate , whom you want to vote for her or him , so thatwhen the citizen , if we suppose concept of citizenship in avaible in country like Sudan , the simple person all she or he wants , avaible education for the children , and when the child will be sick , go to the hospital or clinic the doctor never dismisses her or him , because of money .
Country like Sudan under Islamic regime all us feel we are not human being exactly , right of citizenship , Ihave mentioned it before , it has strong environment , the daily death in three Sudanese regions continue , under hearing of international community , the regional forces as African Union , Arab league , and united Nation is successful to issue statements of condemn , never takes affective attitudes against the Islamic regime . Concept of international ties always considers , the interests are better than right of human being in the life , we nominate this global community , it is just commission of ghosts , work for how to gain more interests only , until they people are murdering daily in their countries .
Sudan at this crucial moment in its history , it is symbol of this international community , the Sudanese government always call for the comprehensive peace , but it works daily to fulfill it by military operations in Darfur the wounded , Nuba mountains lives under siege of air strikes , then Blue Nile its populations face the forcible migration .Camps of refugees and displaced people can tell you the real tales , after that the world that became small village pretends the deep sleeping , although those people of three regions , they do not know sweet of sleep , although stay in displaced Camps , the authorities of Khartoum addicted to revenge from them daily .
How can we name these atrocious actions which committed by the Sudanese government since took power by military coup in 1989 , this sham regime signed many agreements in Kenya , Egypt , Qater , Nigeria , now it is searching for this invalid peace for the Sudanese peoples in Ethiopia , but we ask our selves , really the Sudanese government needs the peace or it wants to the global forces , it is with stability , then the search for the peace , it is farce theatre .
We implore the international community , the peoples who loved the peace to impose decisive decisions to stop the futile wars against the African peoples in Sudan , those peoples never forget the slow of African Union in the near future .

Journalist and Activist

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