Nubia America: We can remove the Khartoum regime in ten hours

Arabic to English translation
Nubia America: We can remove the Khartoum regime in ten hours
And the great march in Washington on December 16, will be critical
America: The agencies / approved 15/11/2010
In the framework of the options open to the people of the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan in the light of the current political and geographical arena of Sudan and the intransigence of the National Congress in the implementation of Brtakul the Nuba Mountains, and even mobilized tens of thousands of armies Almdhudp the latest weapons and the means of movement next to the militias as a violation of a clear and explicit arrangements for security in the province, and work the implementation of the extermination of other ethnic, especially after he fired the Khartoum regime with the people of the region the name of the southern neo-through an official letter was invited to recruit young heart to control them through the military orders, and pressure to displace the intellectuals and educated people of the province, with cut off all means of communication bout with the Diaspora.
After receipt of the fine details of the scheme of National Congress towards the Nuba Mountains held the sons of the Nuba Mountains, around the world and especially in America and Brtania, France, Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia and some Arab and African countries a number of calls about the report the fate of the people of the Nuba Mountains as an option or the state of western Sudan, or regime change as fast as they are to maintained by the Taliban and Saddam Hussein to preserve what remains of Sudan, after being assured that the desire of the sons of South Sudan in the separation and independence, as well as could the possibility of half the people of the Nuba Mountains and Darfur and Kordofan and eastern Sudan, Blue Nile and the Nubians and the rest of the marginalized as long as this system continues in power and the extremist mentality.
People of the Nuba Mountains through the big move, which led them in circles in America last October gave the National Congress until mid-December to fulfill the implementation of the peace agreement, including security arrangements and the withdrawal of troops from the province and the elections and the achievement of the popular consultation and the exchange office of the Governor and to bring war criminals to justice global and other issues, and have handed over official letters to the U.S. administration and Congress and the UN and the EU Summit and a number of human rights organizations about it, including the right to self-determination and have the responses were positive and very encouraging.
And in the grand march expected in Washington on December 16, 2010 and which Sttov of Foreign Affairs and the White House and Congress, which will include a large number of people from the Nuba Mountains of all the United States, Canada, and Aruba, and along with interviews important for policymakers and the perpetrators of U.S. decisions, and all groups pressure, will the sons of the Nuba Mountains, the proposal has been discussed before with a number of officials the need for U.S. military intervention direct-flights with specific goals and painted to hit the Khartoum regime, and stressed the readiness of the 2000 youth of the sons of the Nuba Mountains, the Americans training Kqguat especially for landing in the capital Khartoum after air cover over the plan to remove its in less than ten hours, and the alliance with all forces of the margin and Democrats to build a democratic Sudan of values and the human rights internationally recognized, and to provide junta National Congress of the trials of domestic and international, and it is a last resort in light of the intransigence of National Congress and prevarication in the application of all the consensus reached. The continuation of this status quo will lead to a worst Sudan from Somalia. And the sons of the Nuba Mountains said they would not have been fighting in the parties because experience has shown that the problem is and Mspbhe in Khartoum and must be the change from Khartoum. He also noted the sons of the Nuba Mountains countries of the Diaspora that they did not migrate applications in finance or roaming and to reflect the issue but their own people, who sacrificed himself in order to keep the Nuba Mountains, next to the education of their children to carry the banner of struggle until we achieve justice, freedom and democracy.

 He also stressed the sons of the Nuba Mountains, the long silence dictated by their wisdom, which are characterized by and is one of the tops of courage possessed by the people of the Nuba Mountains, and here they are sending out a message to those who did not read the history and civilization, and boldly and tournaments the people of the Nuba Mountains or readers mistake or are not in-depth , they read or re-read the history of old and its middle and modern and contemporary, as announced by the sons of the Nuba Mountains the patience and silence within, and here they are Ielnoha Adap either built the rest of the Sudan the foundations of new and re-structuring of the state and its wealth and either the flood. This generation is the strain of the same heroes who founded the country’s shift the great later known as the Sudan and they are able to bring those glory days and as they are descendants of Abdul Latif and wonder, and Almiraoy and Gboc and Joseph Koh, who canceled the concepts of fear and cowardice of the manifesto struggle and killed and their heads held high.
On the other hand that the youth of the mountains that prompted the implementation of the peace agreement did not mean the procedures and elections a sham or fake and discuss the popular consultation to see the center, but must check the expectations required for the people of the Territory all Otnyate colors and nice political calling for international monitoring actors of the electoral process, and perhaps the reality of Blue Nile, fully reflects the total disregard of Khartoum in the implementation of the popular consultation, as the region was elected Governor and Legislative Council, the regional since last April and that the Commission entrusted with the negotiations center around the vision and the demands of the people of the region, but Khartoum has turned a blind eye in the creation of the commission, should be proceed in negotiations with the Office of the Blue Nile.
And on the other hand, called former U.S. envoy to Sudan Andrew Natios last month hit the air if the Khartoum regime’s intransigence in implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including the referendum for southern Sudan and Abyei and implementation of Bertokoly Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. Also issued Sen. John Danforth and General Smboy two communities in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in a joint statement several months ago stern warning to the Khartoum government of the seriousness of the partial approach to the peace agreement and ignoring protocols is an important and Brtakul the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile and Abyei. He also urged last week, former U.S. envoy to Sudan, touch U.S. President Obama Pallaivae promise which he promised American voters in May 2008 put an end to genocide, ethnic in Sudan and make Darfur prohibited warplanes government and the implementation of all elements of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and urged him to intervene military and air real-time if called it.
According to analysts, and military and international security that the change of the Khartoum regime militarily would be much easier of the two regimes of Saddam and the Taliban if the system Etsitr on the capital Khartoum just a security and any loss and rally popular support in all regions of Sudan, especially the margin, in addition to the political powers North opposition stands against him in Khartoum and the sites influence the other, as the system is isolated internationally, including from the surrounding countries, whether Arab or African, and all of which have special relations with the West, especially America, and that the unresponsiveness of the system in to bring war criminals to the International Tribunal and non-implementation of the peace treaty, signed by manipulating the issue of Darfur and to repress freedoms, especially press, along with its status as a sponsor of terrorism will make the implementation of the idea to change the international first choice if the situation continues as it is now.
Therefore appealed to the sons and daughters of the Nuba Mountains, USA and Canada all to participate actively in this important historical event, which will open new horizons for the people of the region and puts an end to the genocide planned by the National Congress, and restore the region and its people to signed the historic leadership. Attention is also invited the sons of the Nuba Mountains, each marginalized from the east and Darfur, Kordofan and Blue Nile and the Nubians of Southern Sudan and all political forces calling for diverse and democratic Sudan to participate in this important event. It also commends the people of the Nuba Mountains, the initiative forces the margin of the signing of a document of a joint work in sync with the grand march, in addition to the approval of many human rights organizations and some activists and pressure groups, the U.S. and some jurists who have expressed their desire to participate actively to support the cause of the people of the Nuba Mountains. As many of you will Aleclat and various media coverage of this important event.
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