Mitt Romney Speaks Out on Sudan

Mitt Romney Speaks Out on Sudan

Act for Sudan asked the Republican Presidential Candidates for statements on Sudan.  Mitt Romney just responded and it is getting some press.

Act for Sudan Press Release with Romney’s full statement

Global Post:  Mitt Romney condemns killings in Sudan

Foreign Policy:  Romney Pledges to defend the people of South Sudan

AFS press release just went out today and so I’m sure there will be more press.

Romney’s Statement:

Mitt Romney recognizes that for too long far too many Sudanese have been victims of war crimes and other atrocities committed by the government in Khartoum and its proxies. In Southern Sudan, millions died as a result of ethnic and religious targeted killings during the long civil war. Among those brutally targeted were Christians and adherents of traditional African religions, Dinka, Nuer, and members of other ethnic groups. In Darfur, non-Arab populations have been and continue to be victims of a slow-motion genocide. And since independence of the Republic of South Sudan, Khartoum has committed a range of atrocities in border regions that have claimed countless lives and displaced hundreds of thousands. It has incited and armed rebel groups with the apparent objective of undermining the new country. It has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars in oil, which is Sudan’s chief source of income. In both Darfur and in the border areas, Khartoum has too often been an impediment to the flow of humanitarian assistance. The situation is so dire that at least a quarter of a million people in South Kordofan will be pushed to the edge of famine by March this year. Governor Romney is committed to protecting innocents from war crimes and other atrocities, ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches those desperately in need, holding accountable those leaders who perpetrate atrocities, and achieving a sustainable peace for all who live in Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan.

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