Message to all Darfuris

The time of change has come……….yes we can….

The time when Darfur governs the Sudan has come …yes we can….why not……….if we are united.

Change is what always the current us president Obama used to talk about until has been achieved.

Yes, Obama is true when he said this. There is no impossible under the sun……….

I thank from where Iam all resistance forces who formed the unity recently against the genocidaire regime of the few nonsense who want to control the state alone. I thank the effective leaders who lef no stone unturned in order to keep darfuris movement united.I thank you very much for your persistent patience and holding the wooded fire in the field, for nothing but for making justice and equality above everything, just for the sake of making the Sudanese people and the marginalized in general egual.socially, politically, and economically. But don’t forget that dear brothers that …we…we …we ….we the marginalized in general and the darfuirs in particular are the backbone of sudan, and the heart of the sudan.What do you think if a human being body has no backbone or heart?????? Does not means there is no body at all ,or there is only a dead body. That why we, the Darfuris are the Sam’mam  of Sudan which means without us, the country will collapse.From here. I say strongly ….strongly…. that the time of ruling the country has come, and yes we can……..all what is happening in DOHA the capital of UAE is mere public relation agenda conducting by the NCP in order to prolong our case and cause. Therefore, there is neither agreement nor chatter with those who do don’t respect of any. But playing game with us.

Therefore dear brother, there is no reconciliation with the genocidaire regime but taking the power forcibly, and for this to happen yes we Can. we do it. CHANGE IS NOT IMOSSIBLE as we go back to USA.Poeple in the first time thought that black or marginalized in America will not govern USA and that only the white govern the state. But those people were disoriented by their by their intention and the true change in place now. Thus, no doubt that in Sudan we can make another example of USA.But for this to happen, we want one thing to happen, and that is the unity. Unity externally and internally.

Unity externally for our brothers who handing the wooden fire for the sake of their internal brothers and unity internally for the sake of their external brothers. These two actions must go in parallel. If this happen, then we can surely take the power by force. Why not…if we recall the 2008 trial that our brother made when they were about to talk the power if not few mistakes came out which were out of the control. Think if that long arm was of all the current united darfuris, did not they in the palace at this time??????Yes there were in it.So, dear brothers let us be united more, at least for the sake of IDPs and refugees who are flooring and bedding the soil and taking the sky as blanket. Yes there is no more wasting of time and suffering of our people. Join hand and hold the stick with the one joined hands and hit the sneak on its head until die.Dont forget that the sneak is now shivering of the first hit that it already got.

Dear brother Unity, unity, unity, Unity, unity, unity is power…… Unity is strength, please le us be united for only one cause and that is taking the power by hock or crock.



Can we do this dear brothers?????????????



Last to remind you.

We want the president of Sudan from Darfur.

[email protected]

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