Meeting of the Arab League in Darfur A Statement, JEM

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]
Meeting of the Arab League in Darfur
A Statement, JEM
We have learnt in the media that the Arab League is intending to convene a meeting in Alfashir, Darfur on February 2010 to highlight its assistance in the current crisis in the region.
–    JEM welcomes all regional inputs in the search for peace and stability in Darfur provided that engagement is coordinated with people of Darfur as well as with those who have carried arms to defend the interests of the region.
–    Engagement of the Arab League has been notably devoid of any contact with Darfur people.   As the result, intervention of the League has come to lack any vision of comprehensive plans for rehabilitation of the region; a vision that that takes into account priorities set by the concerned people.
–    The timing of the convention is suspect as it coincides with launching of Al-Bashir’s campaign for the coming elections.  Once more, the League demonstrates its blatant intervention in Sudan’s internal affairs and utter disregard for the victimised people of Darfur.
–    The League’s support for a regime that rates among the most corrupt systems in the world can only lead to further injustice and oppression of the same people the Arab League is pretending to help.
–    The amenities constructed by the Arab League in Darfur have nothing to do with the beleaguered people of Darfur as the League claims.  They are there to enhance the oppressive powers of the ruling party which determines location, use and ownership of these new premises.

Ahmed Husain Adam
Spokesperson for JEM
Doha, February 13th 2010.

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