Libya dedicates eight million dollar for Darfur IDPs

October 25, 2010 (KHARTUM) – Libya said it would dedicate eight million US dollars to finance projects aiming to support the return of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their homes in the war ravaged region of Darfur.

“The projects aim at helping the return of 200,000 displaced persons to their villages” in Darfur, said Mashallah Zwei of the Brothers of the South Society, an affiliate charity of the Kadhafi Foundation.

“These projects are aimed at encouraging the voluntary return of refugees to their villages and help them resume their agricultural activities,” he further said.

The charity organization which is run by the son of the Libyan leader Seif Al-Islam, said it would construct schools, health centers, potable water, and power generators for 17 villages around the capital of North Darfur state, El-Fasher.

The projects are the first tangible Libyan contribution in Darfur recovery and do not fit with Tripoli political implication in the ongoing efforts to end he seven year conflict in the border region of Darfur.

UN agencies say the ongoing conflict in Darfur since 2003 displaced some 2.7 million civilians who are living in different camps across the three states of the region.


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