Khartoum Suffers its Second Defeat in 24 hours in Darfur

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]

Khartoum Suffers its Second Defeat in 24 hours in Darfur
A Military Statement
Sunday April 11th, 11:  Albashir suffered another crushing defeat, yesterday, Sunday April 10th in Sago Talag, 50k north of Muzbat, North Darfur.  The invading enemy army was mounted on 179 vehicles, 10 lorries, 10 tanks and backed by at least seven planes.  The result was obvious and predictable.  Khartoum army could not last long in front our gallant Alliance Forces which consisted of JEM, SLM-Minnawi and SLM Unity fighters.

Khartoum army conceded defeat and fled the battlefield in all directions leaving behind substantial casualties. 13 vehicles, four lorries and three tanks belonging to the government were destroyed.  The Alliance gained 13 vehicles and two lorries.  Few more Toyota pickups belonging to the fleeing army were later collected by our soldiers in the vicinity.

The Sunday battle sends a clear message to Albashir and his Envoy Atabani that their new Strategy for Darfur is doomed as are other military strategies they employed before.   Now two of the seven mobile units sent by Khartoum to effect its Strategy have been defeated.  The Alliance of Resistance Forces advises Khartoum to abandon their futile Strategy and commit to Talks in Doha, Qatar.  The Alliance also appeal to government soldiers to disobey Khartoum and rebel against fighting an unjust war.

Long live our struggle for Justice and Freedom

General Ali Alwafi
Military Spokesperson For JEM
For: Alliance of Resistance Forces

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