JEM demands mediation methodology in Doha

DOHA – 16 November: A delegation from  Justice and Equality Movement  met yesterday with officials of the Qatari mediation and joint mediator Djibril Bassolé in Doha. This is part of ongoing consultations between the various parties in the conflict in Darfur and the Sudanese government before the start of the negotiation process, Ahmed Hussein Adam, spokesman said on behalf of the Justice and Equality Movement  that his movement demanded a clear methodology for the negotiations and accounting between the conflicting parties on the ground. Beside this they want to  the government to exploit the platform and dump the negotiations pro-government elements to strike the Darfur issue.
The secretary of the Technical Committee for the Unification of the armed resistance in Darfur, Tajeldin Bashir Nyam said  that the Qatari mediation and the mediator  agreed to the joint request of the Committee should support the standardization of the resistance factions in Darfur before entering into any negotiations with the government. They added that the committee is not mandated now to talk about negotiations, but seeking to hold consultations with the armed factions and events aimed at uniting the Darfurian visions and goals before the start of negotiations.

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