Grass May not Necessarily be Greener on America’s Side

Grass May not Necessarily be Greener on America’s Side

Dr. Mohamed N Bushara, USA
America remained an attractive destination for immigrants for all over world because of its status as the peacan of hope and prosperity illustrated by its excellent educational & democratic systems. But what has transpired recently by the President Trump’s administration and his followers demonstrates to many of us immigrants that there is a deep-seated resentment by American streets to the ideals that brought us here in the first place. During his 4 years of presidency, President Trump has succeeded in unearthing the true America of pre-Reconstruction era of the 1800th when black slaves were not regarded as citizens of the USA until after the Civil War in 1868. Trump presidency have provided green passes to everything done by white supremacists, nationalists and by the right-wing media against non-whites, refugees, immigrants, minorities, Muslims & Jews, setting America on reverse path to the past dreadful human conditions. These actions are very stressful to new citizens & families as well as communities. The triumph of President-Elect Joe Biden in US elections helped stopped retrogradation of America to the age of darkness, but the problems facing American’s soul are still there. There are still more than 71.5 Million (47.5%) of unhappy eligible voters support Trump’s deplorable policies, racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny & disregard for human decency. Gun sales to first-time buyers skyrocket amid fears of election and unrest. No one feels safe in the United States anymore. These remain to be the biggest challenges to tomorrow’s American & must be wisely dealt with immediately.
White people, when asked about why a Trump voter, they generally cite their bank account and how Trump is able to keep the economy steady. They clinch to this false misconception even though economic data tacitly suggest that the growth in US economy is a continuation of ex-President Obama’s work. However, the reality on the ground is very different. Ron Brownstein, a Senior Editor at The Atlantic & CNN Political Analyst, points to the fact “Under Trump, the Republican coalition has become overwhelmingly centered on the voters and the parts of the country that are most uneasy with demographic change.” He cited research by the Public Religion Research Institute showing 2/3rd of Republicans say the growing number of immigrants threaten traditional American values and traditions. Trump’s influence centered “primarily on the parts of the country that are least comfortable with all of these changes”, Brownstein added. “And everything we are seeing – from the wall, which is symbolic in its own way of standing against change – to these raids, to the openly racist tweets, is an acknowledgment of that”.
Research data from Dr. Bushara’s (2018) published book on (Healing Splintered Souls, Reshaping Sudanese America, Reshaping Sudanese America: Culture, Creed, Children) finds that “immigration is emotionally, mentally and physically stressful. Language, economic and social barriers often leave us without the healthcare access that is necessary to thrive. This is especially true when it comes to prenatal and infant care, where we have seen the effects evidenced in frequent miscarriages and premature pregnancies”. People get really sick due to stress/discrimination, suspicions, disrespect, ill-treatment, lack of opportunity, marginalization brought by the stress and worry continue to pound on our nerve system. As the writer and activist Miriam Zoila Pérez (Ted Talk, 2007) noted that there is a growing body of research examining the relationship between chronic stress and illness among immigrant population. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer and other minor sicknesses are being shown to positively correlate with stress. Stress has a much severe effect on woman & children, particularly pregnant women. Therefore, those thinking of immigration to western nations need to be prepared for what they are getting into before making the journey. These combined factors present a very gloomy future for immigrants and Muslims in the West. People may choose to stay in their home countries, build prosperity infrastructure & find ways to have good life rather than venturing to the West & die young. Or, better yet you water your own grass.
Author can be reach at [email protected]

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