GoS Forced out of two Locations near Heglig

The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
[email protected]

GoS Forced out of two Locations near Heglig
Military Statement
In the framework of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front’s policy to dispossess Khartoum of oil revenue, our gallant forces kicked out SAF out of two military bases near Heglig, South Kordofan.  Just at the time when Al-Bashir declare that he had good news to be announced within hours, Wednesday, April 20102, an SRF amy landed a crushing defeat on the SAF.  Our force consisted of JEM, SLM-Unity and LJM.  The following counts among the booties of our troops:

30 fighting pickup trucks
7 Loaded Military logistical tucks
3 guns 37 Zu
3 Fuel tankers

General / Badawi Mosa Al-Sakin
The military spokesman for JEM South Kordofan – the liberated territories

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