France welcomes improvement in Chad-Sudan ties

PARIS, Oct 13 (KUNA) — The French government on Tuesday said it welcomed the improvement in ties between Chad and Sudan as demonstrated by high-level visits to discuss bilateral and regional problems.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said that a visit to Chad by a senior representative of Sudanese President Omar El-Bechir was helping pave the way for better relations between the two neighbours, who have been embroiled in border conflicts for years and who have fought several mini-wars through proxy militias.
Indeed, one such proxy militia supported from Sudan came very close to overthrowing President Idriss Deby of Chad, until he got help from France to stay in power.
“We welcome the visit (to Chad) by a senior advisor to the Sudanese president and the improvement in relations,” Valero said.
A major stumbling block for good relations between Sudan and Chad is the more than 400,000 refugees that have fled the conflict in Sudans Darfur region and settled inside the Chad side of the border.
Sudan says there are rebel elements striking into Sudan from the camps, a charge Deby denies. The Chadian says Sudan is financing expeditions into Chad to attack his supporters and groups allied with them. Debys claim has been substantiated by international troops deployed to protect the refugees. (End) jk.ajs KUNA 131624 Oct 09NNNN

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