Enforced disappearance :

Enforced disappearance
Release Mr Al-Sadiq Seddiq Adam from United Arab Emirates Security Agents
Name: Alsadiq Seddiq Adam Aballah
Sex: Male
Nationality: Sudanese
Place & Date of Birth: 22/9/1981 – Wedaa, North Darfur
Marital Status: Married
Qualifications: Engineer 
The mentioned person was on his way to, on 23 September 2007 in Dubai where the flight was connecting the UAE authorities arrested him, after the arrest he has given chance to communicate his family in Sudan and tell them that he is arrested. The reason of arrest was to replace him by his father who the UEA authorities accused him and they didn’t reach him, since that time up to this day his family doesn’t know where he has putted although the UEA authority says that he is released.
The Darfur Bar Association (DBA) after it informed that called for the campaign to release him, in this regard the DBA organized the first meeting with other Sudanese civil society organizations in Khartoum on October 9, 20101, and the meeting was directed by the legal protection officer of DBA the Lawyer Mr Abdelrahman Gassim and presented by Mr Alsadiq Ali Hassan the Secretary of DBA, Mr Khalafalla Al-Afeef the campaigning coordinator and coordinator for TAMAM Network, Mr Ragab Ramadan the representative for the Darfurian Activists group to release Mr Alsadiq Adam, Dr Ibrahim Ishaq the Director of Kalemando Culture Center and the Journalist Abdalla Adam Khatir.
The presenters gave speeches on the procedures that taken before the meeting and the arrangements that the committee was made in order to send an official letter to the Ministry of Justice in Sudan requested the Sudanese government to protect one of its belonged people as provided in international and regional conventions but they didn’t receive the respond of government.
The campaign of civil society organizations that held its first meeting on 9/10/2010 in the room of Justice Africa Center and included more than 20 national organizations putted its work plan that will include conferences, press releases, campaigns and urgent letters to the international and regional organizations, in addition to set up the website to publish and share information in different languages with other activists in other countries.
Other lawyers and advocates from different national human right organization with good experiences in protecting the human rights joined the committee to raise the issue to international and regional concerned entities.
The lawyer, Mr Alsadiq Ali and other human rights defenders condemned and mentioned that it a big violation of the article (3) of the international human rights declaration and the article (9) of the international convention on the civil and political rights.

The right of any human wherever her/his rights must be protected and therefore we the lawyers and human rights defenders call up on the international and regional human rights organizations call for the United Emirates authorities to release Mr Alsadiq who has been arrested since 2007.

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