Darfur Union in the United Kingdom: El-Geinena Massacre is a Continuation of Violence Against the People of Sudan in West DARFUR – Responsibility lies with the TGOS

Darfur Union in the United Kingdom: El-Geinena Massacre is a Continuation of Violence Against the People of Sudan in West DARFUR – Responsibility lies with the TGOS

Lack of both Security on the Ground and Cooperation with the International Community on Bashir ICC Case Shall Keep Sudan on the Black List in-spite of the Recent Diplomatic Charm Offense by the Transitional Government of Sudan (TGOS).

The Repeated Scenario and Lack of Control Over Government of Sudan Militias

The escalation of violence against the people of Sudan seems to have no end.  Whilst “peace negotiations” are ongoing in the capital of South Sudan, Juba, the government of Sudan militiamen have again force entered Krainek internally displaced people (IDP) camp in El-Geinena, West Darfur, and this act has resulted in a number of dead and injured persons. Since last night, at least 10 civilians were reported dead, and several injured; in addition, many houses were burned, and others were looted including Rogogu market. Adam Mohammed, aka Adam Rejal, a member of IDP and refugees cooperation mentioned that militiamen entered the IDP camp on the back of pickup trucks known in that part of world as Thatcher, terrorising the civilians and ending up shooting them, killing and injuring the numbers quoted above.

The identity of the Perpetrators

There is an echo here to the type of crimes which used to take place regularly in Omar Al-Bashir era. Since the formation of the transitional government of Sudan, the crimes by “some” members of the regular forces, army and “Rapid Speed Forces, aka Janjaweed” have not stopped, i.e. the change has not reached the most vulnerable areas, particularly areas that were the theatres of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.  The junta of the Bashir is still in charge.

Peace Negotiations in Juba

In a statement today released by the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) – they mentioned that the are halting/postponing the negotiations with the transitional government of Sudan, until the following is achieved:-

1) Investigations of this heinous crimes against the civilians in El-Geinena

2) The transitional government of Sudan should take its responsibility by protecting the Sudanese people in these areas.

As a civil organisation, Darfur Union in the UK sees no peace could be achieved if TGOS is not responsive equally to the atrocities that is taking placed in Darfur, and the union is holding the traditional government of Sudan responsible regarding the lack of security and killing of civilians in Darfur, both councils of this government, sovereign and ministers.

The ministers of Interior and Defence should appear before a committee answering questions about crime that took place in Krainek IDP.

Sudan and the Black List (Terror Watchdog)

Well, let us be clear here, Sudan is currently cited as a country that is harbouring and sponsoring terrorism. Diplomatic efforts are ongoing including aggressive charm offence by the transitional government lead by prime minister, Abdel Allah Hamadok, to clear Sudan name from that infamous black list. This in turn should ease Sudan back to the open arms of the international community plus allowing foreign investments to rain in and developmental projects to run smoothly etc…however, two major obstacles remains that would forever prevent these shifts from taking place:-

a) Improving security on the ground (particularly in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile State) plus achieving lasting peace. This motion is bushed by all the major players of international community, US, EU, UK.

b) Equally, handing Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court, to face trial for crimes committed under his commands, that counts for the following:

5 counts for crimes against humanity

2 counts of war crimes

3 counts of genocide (ref. 1) –

and this motion is pushed by the EU.

Darfur Union in the UK echoes the aforementioned points; the major terrorism is currently being committed against the people of Sudan by those forces under the nose of the transitional government of Sudan, and that is enough to keep the country on that list because serious actions need to be taken to address the security violation in Darfur plus handing Bashir to ICC.

The same apparatus that is killed the hundred of thousands of Sudanese people over the last thirty years today is still in operation, the slogans has change however, the actions remained unchanged.

Last but not least, a glimpse of hope appeared today in Khartoum as the killers of Ahmed Khair (ref. 2) were sentenced to death by a court. Justice for all the victims of the oppressive government.

A copy of this statement is sent to the following:-

1) Office of International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, and DARFUR desk, ICC

2) The Sudans department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

3) United Nation, UNAMID Central Press Office, Kenya

4) Office of Secretary General, United Nation

5) Office of Secretary General, African Union

5) European Commission embassy, UK

6) Sudans desk, State Department, US.

Osama Mahmoud

Head of Comms.

Press Office – Darfur Union in the UK

Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com

Email: [email protected]

Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk

Ref. 1:


Ref. 2:


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