Darfur Union in the UK: the Momentum is on the Side of the People of Sudan

Darfur Union in the UK: the Momentum is on the Side of the People of Sudan

This time it was the civilians of Sudan raising awareness about the right of citizens to confront the unjust in the country, and in particular the sudden inflation of prices and dire state of affairs in Sudan. The people of Sudan wanted to register their disagreement with the latest policies from the government, the policy that led millions of Sudanese to seek alternative ways of getting by since they can no longer afford to buy and of their day to day needs for themselves and their loved ones. Complete lack of long term strategies plus the continuum of greed and corruption by Bashir and his cronies. So far tens were between dead and injured as the government has opted to retaliate using excessive force.

The cause of the popular uprising stage was not only limited to the economic dire state in the country, it was a results of multiple parameters coming together to cause their burst of reaction – one has to mention that the demonstrations across the Sudan have been civil whilst the government of Sudan choosing to use excess force to stop the people from exercising their democratic rights of organizing peaceful demonstrations. Back to the parameters that lead to the current state in the country. First waging of wars across the country and at the same time use the policy of divide and rule to make sure that the rest of the population in other part of the Sudan feeling distant from the war on other areas in the country. The starting point was the ethnic cleansing in South Sudan (then an integral part of the republic of Sudan) – religion and race were used by GoS to fuel the war. The war spread to Darfur where genocide, crimes against the humanity and war crimes were the tools to “tame” the people of Sudan in the region. Race was used in this case as one of the tools to fuel the war. This has lead integration criminal court to indict Omar Bashir for the aforementioned crimes (on 4th March 2009), the only sitting president to be indicted by the ICC (ref. 1). The same scenario followed in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile State.
Other parameters that lead to the demos is poverty, the failing health system in the country, education, corruption and above all the harassment and oppression practiced regularly by the government and its followers on the people of Sudan.
All of the above has lead some of the people of Sudan to flee out of the country seeking safe refuge across the world by taking dangerous routes to reached safe shores away from dire security state.

The rest of the people of Sudan have come together to raise their voices and to say enough is enough as they thought of a clever way of sending a strong message by performing a civil popular uprisings in many cities across sudan, which was majorly successful in its first few days of the last third of December 2018. The wide participations by all sectors of the society from business leaders, factory workers, doctors, pharmacists, homemakers, small businesses owners, students etc… send strong message to Bashir and his cronies as they can no longer use the divide and rule policies. The act was not exclusive to the capital, Khartoum, Sudanese in other cities were integral to the success demonstrations. As expected the government lashed out by sending its NISS with clear message – Shoot to Kill and also to take some of the civilians and put them in detention/ prisons, especially some of the people that were visible in some of the social media outlets. Only recently, a civil disobedience was organised by the masses of Sudan (ref. 2) on the wake of the hike on the prices of medicines, only for the government of Sudan to use oppressive tactics to prevent the people from performing this civil act.

Darfur Union in the UK stands side by side with the people of Sudan and applauds the brave and creative act taken by the people of Sudan, which is going to be another seed of unity against the oppression of the Bashir and his government. The union also encourage the people to keep the momentum and to continue uprise, which will put more pressure on the Government of Sudan. Some of the media centres across the world have reported the ongoing demonstrations in he country, which is great, the union asks these Centres to continue reporting as the government has the backing of other oppressive regimes in the regions which has chosen to turn a blind eye on what is going on in the country.
A message to Sudanese diaspora, keep backing the popular uprising in the country by organising demonstrations in the country. Furthermore, utilizing social media to support the reports received from the country because the government of sudan is in control the internet service providers and they may refer to blocking the internet completely as they have done in the past.
A strong message to the opposition parties in Sudan, it is time to side unreservedly with the people of Sudan against the oppressors. It is time to use your bases and leadership to come together and stand with the people, as history will remember those who chose to stay on the fence.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing.”
(Martin Luther King Jr)

Viva la Sudan

Osama Mahmoud
Darfur Union in the UK
Website: http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com

Email address: [email protected]

Twitter handle: @Darfurunionuk

Ref. 1: The Prosecutor vs. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir – ICC-02/05-01/09

Ref. 2: Sudan Civil Disobedience

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