Darfur Union in the UK: AGM Renews the Confidence on the Executive Office of the Darfur Union
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Darfur Union in the UK was held in Leicester on Saturday 14th July 2018 at the Sudanese Darfur Association in Leicester venue
The meeting was held for the following purposes:
1. To give an overview of the Darfur Union work, activities and challenges over the course of the last two years.
2. To elect a new legislative council members for the upcoming term (2018-2020).
The AGM has decided unanimously to renew the confidence on the current executive office to keep the momentum of work conducted over the last two years (2016-2018). The AGM reiterated the need for the legislative council and the executive office of DU to work closely to kick start a community outreach project which aims at reaching the community across the UK. The details of the project will be share very soon.
The day did also consist of electing new persons from the AGM to be part of the legislative council and then the executive office. Ten new faces were elected and next week the empty spaces in the exec. office will be filled and an announcement will be made.
The legislative council thanks all members that made it to Leicester and wishes the exec. office all the success in the new term, 2018-2020.
Siddig Ahmed,
Chairman of the legislative council for Darfur Union in the UK – 07481 797582
Website: http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
Email: [email protected]
Twitter handle: @Darfurunionuk