Darfur students protest at three Sudanese universities

(Sudan Tribune) Students have staged protests at three of Sudan’s universities, including Nyala, Al-Fashir, and Khartoum, on Thursday, leading to an atmosphere of unrest and high tension. Informed sources in South Darfur state capital of Nyala told Sudan Tribune that security forces launched a campaign of mass arrests against the students and detained several of them inside the university campus, noting it used tear gas which led to several cases of fainting among students. According to the same sources, the security forces sought to disperse the protests which erupted as a result of detaining a female student who criticised the deteriorating security situation in Darfur at a political rally inside the university campus three days ago. At the University of Khartoum, dozens of students protested in front of the university administration building demanding revealing the report of the investigation committee on the death of a student three weeks ago and brining perpetrator to justice.

Read More: http://www.sudantribune.com/

Security beats, arrests 100 student demonstrators, South Darfur

(Radio Dabanga) Security forces beat more than 100 students and arrested at least seven at the University of Nyala, South Darfur, on Thursday, following a mass demonstration against the arrests of four students earlier this week. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the security elements, riding in vehicles, used tear gas and beating to disperse the demonstrators. Then, they beat and arrested more than 100 male and female students. The students were protesting against against the arrest of four students on Monday, including female student Nawal El Khamis Shamseldin. During a speech in the univeristy on Monday, she harshly criticised the Khartoum regime because of the current killing, looting, and burning in the Darfur region.

Read More: https://www.radiodabanga.org/

UN Security Council demands better Darfur peacekeeping force

(Gulf News) The UN Security Council on Thursday demanded improvements in the international peacekeeping force in Sudan’s western Darfur region and called on Khartoum to improve cooperation with the mission in the remote, conflict-torn territory. The 15-nation council’s appeal came after UN and African Union officials sounded an alarm last week over the worsening violence in Darfur, which has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people this year. In a unanimously approved resolution, the council urged the UN-African Union mission in Darfur, known as Unamid, “to move to a more preventive and pre-emptive posture in pursuit of its priorities and in active defence of its mandate.” UN diplomats said that meant being more aggressive in countering threats to Darfuri civilians.

Read More: http://gulfnews.com/

Sudan’s PCP calls on Bashir to personally invite rebel groups to join dialogue

(Sudan Tribune) The deputy secretary-general of the opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) Ali al-Hag Mohamed has urged president Omer Hassan al-Bashir to undertake certain steps in order to ensure success of the national dialogue initiative. Al-Hag called on Bashir to extend a direct invitation for the rebel umbrella group of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) to take part in the national dialogue without conditions or restrictions and irrespective of their position on the initiative. The Islamist figure saw that every political party or trade union must submit a written vision prior to the beginning of the dialogue and stressed the need for determining who should take part in the dialogue and how many representatives will participate, affirming the need for publicity and transparency of the dialogue.

Read More: http://www.sudantribune.com/

Sudan spy chief calls for the eradication of rebel groups

(Sudan Tribune) The director of Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), Mohamed Atta, called on the Great Lakes states to “eradicate” Sudanese rebel groups due to their “subversive activity” on the borders between Sudan and South Sudan. Atta said in his address before the Great Lakes region security chiefs in Khartoum on Thursday that progress which has been made by the Sudanese government in peace agreements should encourage the Great Lakes states to fight against rebel groups of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF). The Sudanese official further called for supporting the joint intelligence fusion centre in order to enable it carry out its mission regarding tracing of foreign funding for “the negative forces”.

Read More: http://sudantribune.com/

Al Bashir, Kiir Agree to Form Mechanisms to Activate Agreements

(Sudan Vision) Sudan and South Sudan have agreed to set up joint mechanisms to activate agreements between the two countries. In remarks at press conference, Kiir said his talks with President Al Bashir focused on a range of regional and international issues and bilateral agreements describing his visit to Khartoum as successful. He expressed his country’s thanks and gratitude for Sudan’s support at times of difficulty especially when floods and other disasters hit the South besides Khartoum’s agreement to host over 30,000 Southern citizens displaced by war in their homeland. President Al Bashir, for his part said Kiir’s visit served its purpose and would give ties between the two nations a strong fillip. He said their talks centred on need to further develop bilateral relations, implement agreements concluded between Khartoum and Juba and address the security challenges. The two sides did not discuss Abyei but underlined the importance of establishing civil institutions in the territory, the ambassador said.

Read More: http://news.sudanvisiondaily.com/

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