COH Declaration

31 October 2016

SRF-LogoRecognizing that the establishment of a durable peace is essential for all people of Sudan;

Noting with deep concern the Government of Sudan’s multiple and repeated violations of its own unilateral Cessation of Hostilities declarations;

Deeply disturbed by the Government of Sudan’s continued violations of international law and use of prohibited weapons, including chemical weapons, against civilians;

Recalling the Sudan Revolutionary Front’s (SRF) prior declarations on unilateral Cessations of Hostilities, dated 17 October 2015 and 21 April 2016;

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minnawi, and the Justice and Equality Movement hereby declare an immediate, unilateral Cessation of Hostilities for Humanitarian Purposes.

The objectives of the extended Cessation of Hostilities are to protect civilians, provide unhindered humanitarian access to war-affected populations, and create a conducive environment for peace.

The Cessation of Hostilities shall enter into force at 11:59pm (SLT) on October 31, 2016 and will extend for six (6) months to 11:59pm (SLT) on April 30, 2017. The Cessation of Hostilities shall apply throughout the conflict areas of Blue Nile, South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, Darfur, and Kordofan.

The armed members of the SRF commit that they will not, under any circumstances, initiate an attack or wage an offensive, and all armed groups under their control shall comply with the Cessation of Hostilities. The Cessation of Hostilities shall not prejudice against acts of self-defense, acts for the protection of civilians, or acts against uncoordinated moving targets within or around the conflict areas.

Minni Arko Minnawi           Malik Agar Aire             Dr. Gibril Ibrahim Mhd
Chairman                              Chairman                       Chairperson
SLM-MM                          SPLM-N                               JEM

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